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It seems all hope is not lost, after all.
It seems there are still people, who, like me, have higher standards and don't settle for developer bullshit.
I solely registered to express my complete agreement with and [url=]Jaquar

Sorry, CDPR.
I had really high expectations for the second game, since I absolutely adore the first.
What did I get instead?
A console game, advertised for so damn long as a "PC exclusive" (massive sarcasm quotes)
I knew it'd be console-oriented by the movies and whatnot they released, but I didn't expect THIS.

By now, it should be apparent to any intelligent person that the console versions have been in development for quite some time. (I honestly don't imagine who would buy the "We'll port it to the 360 and PS3 in 3 months!" bollocks.)

Only reason the PC version came out first is to ensure no problems with the console release.
PC gamers were basically lab rats.

Do you know why CDProjekt continued releasing DLC when so many of its customers couldn't even activate the game? Do you know why there was a plethora of launch day DLC as well?

To maximize profits on consoles from kids who don't know better, so they buy every worhless piece of content that a developer releases.

For your information - I wouldn't have minded a Witcher for consoles.
I definetely mind a game that was supposed to be a "PC exclusive" sequel to one of my favourite RPGs being console-oriented crap, though.

Addendum - (before I get accuses of "elitism" or any other desperate insult console kiddies think of - I own ( or have owned) basically any decent console you name, except the Wii.
Post edited May 29, 2011 by AeddGynnvael
Coflash: Why I cannot quick load?

Why the video settings for the game have been externalized

Why the control mapping is also external, when I want to change a simple thing in game?

Why the esc button doesn't simply take you back in the menu?
I agree, there's really no excuse for these things.
Coflash: Why I cannot quick load?

Why the video settings for the game have been externalized

Why the control mapping is also external, when I want to change a simple thing in game?

Why the esc button doesn't simply take you back in the menu?
Kleetus: I agree, there's really no excuse for these things.
Also agreed.
Here's something promising - Witcher 2 is very high up on cross-platform sales charts that ignore digital sales.


So even with a large part of its PC sales ignored, the remainder is still enough on PC only to beat the total sales across all platforms of almost all other games.

Maybe that will cause some developers to maybe at least partially reconsider the normal assumption that PC is a minor platform that they might port a game to after making the console versions or make a version for that's designed primarily for consoles.

It might even make some publishers wonder if DRM is less than the wonderful idea they currently think it is, given that there was widespread publicity for a totally DRM-free version of Witcher 2 available on release day and the game is selling extremely well anyway.
AeddGynnvael: Only reason the PC version came out first is to ensure no problems with the console release.
PC gamers were basically lab rats.
The game obviously was designed to work on consoles but this is a bit cynical. Despite being designed to work on consoles it was also made for the PC and then ported down, rather than made for the console and being ported up. The PC version came out first because it was the lead platform, and it got CDP some capital to head into the console certification process with.

Frankly this is fine with me. Imagine if games like Mass Effect 2 or Call of Duty were made for the PC and then ported down to the consoles! They would look and play so much better on our platform like The Witcher 2 does, despite being developed with consoles in mind.
I think the people who dont see alot of the console hallmarks are blinded by their love of the game and CDP (in other words, fanboys). From a more neutral and objective point of view, the First game was alot more PC centric. I also enjoyed combat more in TW1 but thats just my opinion, I miss those sword fighting styles and liked that there wasnt a need to roll around alot like a idiot. Swordsmen DONT roll around all the time.

Regardless, its pretty obvious the PC Market is beta testing the game for the obvious console release in the future. I bet after we get a PC Enhanced Edition of TW2, they'll announce the console versions shortly after.
The reason to the launch first in PC is because CD project win 10 times more with a single digital copy in GOG than in a console copy . In Steam even nearly 10 times. You need to sell 2 million copies on console for surpass 200,000 digital copies ;) - . Sorry for me english
As a generalisation, retail would pay these guys a maximum of 40 per cent of what they made. So on a £29.99 game the publisher would receive about £12 (and on a sub-licensed deal, we would then only get about £4.25 of that) – minus return, write down and consignment costs.

When would we get that money? Well, payment would be by the end of the quarter.

So, let’s say £10 per unit sale goes to the publisher, £3 to the developer/sub-licensor, and it’s in your bank five months after the customer has paid out £30.

Compare that to the digital model. On a £29.99 sale, the digital partner will pay the publisher – or in many cases direct to the developer – between 60 and 70 per cent, by the end of the month following the sale.

Wow. To recap: on a sale over the counter today, we can have our £3 by the end of March, or on a digital sale, we can have £20 by Christmas.

Remind me why we should choose to go with retail and decline to let Steam sell the game?

I remember fondly the meeting in my office with a red-faced publisher who was explaining why their initial order from a major retailer for one of our new releases was just 30 units. At the time I had my browser open on the Steam product data page, which updates sales numbers every few minutes.

“They have taken one unit for each of their top 30 stores” he told me. “There is just no demand from their customers”.

I glanced at my screen, hit refresh and advised him: “In the time it’s taken you to tell me that there is no demand, Steam has sold 45 units”.
In GOG the margin to CD Proyect , is maybe about 95% , like Valve in the own games
Post edited May 28, 2011 by Oritxupolite
AeddGynnvael: Only reason the PC version came out first is to ensure no problems with the console release.
PC gamers were basically lab rats.
StingingVelvet: The game obviously was designed to work on consoles but this is a bit cynical. Despite being designed to work on consoles it was also made for the PC and then ported down, rather than made for the console and being ported up. The PC version came out first because it was the lead platform, and it got CDP some capital to head into the console certification process with.

Frankly this is fine with me. Imagine if games like Mass Effect 2 or Call of Duty were made for the PC and then ported down to the consoles! They would look and play so much better on our platform like The Witcher 2 does, despite being developed with consoles in mind.
I still want to know why they just couldn't have delayed the game a month to patch these bugs in game and more importantly to me, the resolutions, for which I'm still waiting on without a definitive date as to when this is happening.

Seriously, tell me if I'm being unrealistic by saying this. What I would have really wanted would have been a thing on gog's webpage or CD Projekt saying Witcher 2 ONLY supports 16:9 resolutions, others will be added at a later date. Is that so hard to post?
Post edited May 28, 2011 by Leondres
Leondres: I still want to know why they just couldn't have delayed the game a month to patch these bugs in game and more importantly to me, the resolutions, for which I'm still waiting on without a definitive date as to when this is happening.

Seriously, tell me if I'm being unrealistic by saying this. What I would have really wanted would have been a thing on gog's webpage or CD Projekt saying Witcher 2 ONLY supports 16:9 resolutions, others will be added at a later date. Is that so hard to post?
Well the game works fine for me. If developers delayed games until every single PC config ran them perfectly games would like never come out at all ;)

P.S. Witcher 2 supports 16:10 and 4:3 resolutions, it does not support those aspect ratios. There is a difference, as a game I got today (Daggerdale) actually does not support 16:10 resolutions, which is a much worse thing.
BTW how is it?, I've been hearing mixed things but I liked what I saw, would you recommend it

Leondres: I still want to know why they just couldn't have delayed the game a month to patch these bugs in game and more importantly to me, the resolutions, for which I'm still waiting on without a definitive date as to when this is happening.

Seriously, tell me if I'm being unrealistic by saying this. What I would have really wanted would have been a thing on gog's webpage or CD Projekt saying Witcher 2 ONLY supports 16:9 resolutions, others will be added at a later date. Is that so hard to post?
StingingVelvet: Well the game works fine for me. If developers delayed games until every single PC config ran them perfectly games would like never come out at all ;)

P.S. Witcher 2 supports 16:10 and 4:3 resolutions, it does not support those aspect ratios. There is a difference, as a game I got today (Daggerdale) actually does not support 16:10 resolutions, which is a much worse thing.
Kirth-Gersen: BTW how is it?, I've been hearing mixed things but I liked what I saw, would you recommend it

StingingVelvet: Well the game works fine for me. If developers delayed games until every single PC config ran them perfectly games would like never come out at all ;)

P.S. Witcher 2 supports 16:10 and 4:3 resolutions, it does not support those aspect ratios. There is a difference, as a game I got today (Daggerdale) actually does not support 16:10 resolutions, which is a much worse thing.
its still a great game (god damn people stop typing at the top its freaking annoying)

it just needs to be patched with more PC centric content.
Come on people it's just an ugly troll.

Also Ugly = European and Handsome = American . WOW . Just WOW.
Darknight670: Come on people it's just an ugly troll.
Although I don't agree with everything he says, he does make some very valid points.

No quick-load, and having to exit just to change options isn't acceptable.

I can't believe they think that's OK for a PC game, especially for a PC-centric developer.
I must admit, I cannot shake the feeling that CDP created TW2 as a demonstration of their l33t console game making skills and sold it to me as a full price PC product. But, ugly, boring and wasteful user interface not withstanding, I could live with this if I wasn't finding other design decisions equally annoying.

TW1 had many issues; cut scene hell, stilted and forced conversations, sometimes endless and pointless combat, loading times, dodgy translation, bugs(!) the list goes on. Still, at the core there was an engaging and entertaining experience, there were times I could marvel at the beautiful and intriguing world the game created and forget about all the failings. TW1 did well overall, TW1 is the reason I bought TW2 on release.

I'm finding TW2 to be very hard work. The basic UI doesn't help, neither does my wide range monitor accentuating the bloom effects. Leaving these two aside, the new pop-up action for near by objects is so annoying; put a torch, a door and a chest in close proximity and the system falls apart, running through a forest creates and endless stream of pop-text all in red, etc. Pop-up red 'climb', pop-up red 'descend', pop-up red 'talk', if anything was designed to pull the player out of character, to remind the player the player that are 'playing a game' could there be anything worse?

Of course there is something worse, QTE. So, I'm pulled into the story by some interesting dialogue delivered by some expensive voice actor. The voice, the writing, the waves of intrigue have me spellbound when suddenly QTE - PLAY ME I'M A GAME. It is like trying to read a good book while someone is endlessly poking you with a stick. Why?

But nothing could be worse than QTE right? Wrong. What is with these boss fights? Okay, these are supposed to be big, dramatic scenes with huge dramatic monsters. I accept they are difficult to pull off, but reducing them to formulaic, point and click puzzles against the clock? Come on? An epic encounter becomes an epic, PLAY ME I'M A GAME, mess, and the inclusion of QTEs adds insult to injury. Reduce the ambition guys, it can only improve the game play.

Combat: What's that Geralt? Oh, you need a couple of moments to finish your animation before you can jump out of the way? No worries, just cast a Sign. Oh, you can't do that either? Oh well, I'll just light a cigarette and get back to you when you are ready.

Visuals. I can go from blindingly bright to pitch dark in a single step. And contrast! There are times the level of contrast in some scenes pulls the eyes out of my head.

Detail, perhaps too much when the background drowns out the objects or mobs you are searching for?

Faces, in conversation with NPCs a cut to Geralt's face just SCREAMS high res texture and what's with this clicky finger glowy eye persuasion animation...

You see, this is the point I am at right now. So many little annoyances, many more than mentioned above, have cascaded to the point where even the smallest issues are grabbing my attention.

TW1 played well and was enjoyable within its limitations. Over ambition? Loss of focus? Gambit for mass market appeal? TW2 feels like an attempt to push the limitations, appeal to all (and convince the console manufacturers that CDP can do consoles too) but at the moment TW2 reminds me of nothing more than Homer Simpson's dream car.

I stopped playing the game for more than a week to try and gain a fresh perspective and I'll make a fresh start today. TW3 will not be a day one purchase. As for CDP, the champions of PC gaming? My good will is failing, CPD, I am disappoint.

I hate to be totally negative, so... The new 'click on recipe to make potion' mechanic is quite nice, I was never sure how well the old 'experimentation' model was supported.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by ecat
Leondres: I still want to know why they just couldn't have delayed the game a month to patch these bugs in game and more importantly to me, the resolutions, for which I'm still waiting on without a definitive date as to when this is happening.

Seriously, tell me if I'm being unrealistic by saying this. What I would have really wanted would have been a thing on gog's webpage or CD Projekt saying Witcher 2 ONLY supports 16:9 resolutions, others will be added at a later date. Is that so hard to post?
StingingVelvet: Well the game works fine for me. If developers delayed games until every single PC config ran them perfectly games would like never come out at all ;)

P.S. Witcher 2 supports 16:10 and 4:3 resolutions, it does not support those aspect ratios. There is a difference, as a game I got today (Daggerdale) actually does not support 16:10 resolutions, which is a much worse thing.
I know the difference, but for me having the letterboxing is just as bad when you get sick off of it.

Delaying it a month would hardly have hurt the game or delayed it forever (this isn't duke nukem forever), it most likely would have helped the scores by getting rid of the bugs most people have been experiencing and are referenced in numerous reviews online as a down-point of the game. Now CD Projekt is rushing to fix things and their forums STILL arn't up. They mentioned that they would be coming up LAST wedsday, so much for that idea. Now it's sometime next week, and that's only a guess.

As for daggerdale, isn't that console based only right now? (Just looked, I'm totally wrong) That is sad. They should really put on the box or somewhere in the descriptions for these games what resolutions are supported. That's bs that they don't support it at all and don't tell you up front.