Xayoz: Sile - for some reason I felt inclined to let her pop on Iroveths path.
I think it was mostly from the frustration caused by the fact I couldn't finish off Philippa.
Saved her in my other playthroughs tho.
Killed Letho in all my endings.
He murdered Foltest - undoubtably the coolest northern monarch and handed the Northern Kingdoms to Nilfgaard on a silver platter.
Absolutely unforgivable in my eyes.
It's actually kinda unethical to kill Letho
He was kind enough to waitfor you just to answer whatever questions you have. And he clearely stated that he was not there to fight
He took care of Yennefer for you and even Triss if you chose to abandon her.
He was good with children LOL
And Sile? spared her for 2 reason
War with nilf empire is coming up we need all the manpower we have
I didnt want her meat piece splashed on me
It felt wrong not save a woman. I would rather kill her by my hands which is what i would enjoy doing next time she schemes against me
But yeah, i let her pop the once too and second to see if i can just remove the diamond when she NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Anyway, come on people
Letting her pop just like that is no fun and tasteless. And furthermore, it was too easy for someone that vile. she deserves worse than just a painless death in less than a second like that.
If it's Eilhart then maybe i would let Ioverth kill her.
With her eye blind, she would become too mucha berserker