In 2016 I saw a newspaper article about great computer game soundtracks and TW3 was mentioned as one of the best. As I had time then, I purchased TW3 plus a GTX770 and tried it. Great sound, but PC shows many unexpected shutdowns. Purchased a GTX 980 and later a new power adaptor – finally it ran stable. I thought, great game, but I’d like to see/play the whole story. Purchased TW1 and TW2. The rest of 2016 was spend playing TW1-3.
TW1: good story, mediocre graphics, poor controls – I don’t feel that I’ll play more then once
TW2: story feels a bit week, great graphics, good controls – with the fork and two directions of the story, it’s almost like two games, I played both
TW3: ultimate story, superb graphics, great controls – a dream!
Two months ago I purchased all the Witcher books and this is a great addition, because with the content of the books it’s much easier to understand a lot of the historic stuff and talks in the games.
In total, TW series is such a perfect entertainment for me!!!
Every day I pray to Melitele, that there will be a TW4 keeping all the game physics of TW3 just with new locations, new story and new characters…