NewYears1978: Poor thing, you are having all sorts of problems..I don't have any answers either..this launcher is funky, you got that right.
What game are you going to play instead?
AudreyWinter: Aww, thanks for your compassion. :)
But I can't even be bothered to be mad. I've been mad enough about stupid players who will NEVER be satisfied, no matter how much the REDs bend over backwards. I wasn't even mad when the activation for the GoG version got bumped back past the pirate version, so I won't start now. I imagine the poor guys smoking like chimneys (reference to Apollo 13, the successull failure *g*). They have enough pressure as it is and it will be done when it will be done.
Well, I'll be mad when they don't patch out bad controls and patch in the "forgotten basics of video games".
Another game... I got me Gothic II with the Witcher order and I started playing that before the 17th, could play that a little more.
Yeah, some of the people starting to get overly mad are a bit ridiculous. Had it been another company, it might be founded..but CDPR doesn't deserve that. They are awesome.
I got Gothic II as well. Problem is I have a really hard time playing classic games..can't get past the graphics a lot fo the times :) At work anyways..making some stuff in Photoshop. Fun times.