Marcin360: Hi guys,
Just wanted to let you know:
Patch 1.1 is nearing completion and will be available shortly...
Thanks for the support, I can imagine you guys are under a lot of pressure right now! :-o
And I realize this is probably not very high on the list, but I guess I can at least bring it to attention: it's a total drag to play, when you can't use WASD, because the controller is not completely suitable for playing (especially menus).
Now, when in controller mode, SOME keys do work and when in KBM mode, SOME buttons work, but never everything together and the "insert" key, which is suppopsed to be the quick swich key, doesn't switch the controls.
So in an ideal world, the restraint for either controller or KMB would not exist at all. In a tiny bit better world, the quick switch key would actually switch the controls (BOTH ways). Because fumbling through the menus with the controller so I can play dice or change my wardrobe is very uncomfortable. Loading games is equally inconvenient, since nobody seems to have found the quick load key (it's existence is mentioned in the manual, but not the location).
Also, don't mean to push too hard, but for sometimes in the future: screenshots?
Thanks for your care and patience with us. :)