eskiMoe: According to Nvidia, it IS in the game. Some sort of app bug. The SLI is working but the bug is causing the low GPU usage.
donatom3: On my Single AMD HD 6950 it uses over 90% of the gpu at most times, and I have everything turned up but upersampling at 1080p running between 30-60fps
I get average 50 FPS..indoors normally ups to 60-85..outdoors will run 55-60 depending on location and day/night cycle etc..
I just installed the hotfix and it seems to have improved my single 6850 performance. I still get 35-85 FPS but it seems to not dip below 40 near as much and even when it does the gameplay seems to be MUCH smoother..less stuttering. Not sure if it is just in my head or true.
Looking forward to see if patch helps more :)
How does the patch get distributed for GOG version? Is in in the launcher downloadables or will it be under myaccount in The Witcher 2 section?