Posted May 25, 2011

Im not complaining here, but i dont find any enjoyment out of it, due t the fact the normal difficulty is way to hard especially at the early stage of the game, there were some parts where i was facing 15+ goblins in a cave.
The damage dealt to monsters is abit satisfactory (ending up slashing then rolling away alot)
I also feel the combat should be quicker and more brutal (dealing dmg to enemies) and it would be great if gerald could do front flips and back flips to evade like in witcher 1 not just a barrel roll:(
Anyone else agree of am i just nit picking here?

OMG I feel so powerful, when I pres a button, he strikes like a ninja but with the strength of a meteor causing 5 monsters to explode at once!
What beating 6 soldiers and 15 monsters solo doesn't make you feel powerful enough? You're not satisfied that with a bit of timing on dodges and swings you can kill anything in this game without any signs, potions or oils (other than big boses like Kayran/Letho) aren't satisfying enough? Oh well, as said before, some gamers will spend more time trying to think about what to complain about instead of learning to stop sucking.