Posted May 23, 2011

But apparently you have to play with a gamepad for it to function smoothly. So much for this being a PC-oriented game.
NOTHING like the witcher 2 combat. If you start just pressing buttons without preparation, without caring for dodge or tactical use of signs, bombs and abilities you.are. TOAST.
This is FAR far away from being called a mindless button masher like almost all console action games.
We have here a combat that actually requires training from the player in order for him to be any good at it. It actually has a learning curve and I'm not talking about the in-game character of Geralt but the actual human PLAYER who must hone his skills in this combat system in order to be good at it. How many games do that nowadays? The answer is simple: none.
They just hold your hand while you hack away at easy monsters until you have learn the usual simplistic button mashing combat system that most of them have and then they release you in their world so that you can button-mash your way to victory.
In most games, the only enemies that give you trouble are the bosses with their ridiculous life bars. The Witcher 2 tosses all this crap out of the window and actually requires tactical thinking and we go out and bash this system too just because many people actually died during the prologue instead of killing rats??
Sometimes I'm starting to believe that we actually deserve getting mindless games because we don't like to see anything different.
Witcher 1 had easy repetitive combat and many people whined about that. Now they did the complete opposite and now people whine about that too!!! seesh.
I enjoyed both the Witcher 1 combat and I'm thoroughlt enjoying the Witcher 2 combat. I actually prefer it and I'm pretty sure that Cd Projekt Red will fix any minor issues that it now has. It's not perfect but it's not flawed either.
Can anyone tell me a game that got released in a perfect condition?
Why are we asking from the Witcher 2 to be a god game?
I'm eager for the real official forums to go online so that we can start a constructive criticism thread and help C.P. R. improve the game.
The key word here is "improve" not "fix". There IS a difference.
P.S. Oh well, for every person posting & whining there are 10 that are happy & playing the game right now. Sorry for any direct or seemingly angry statements above. I'm really happy that this game is everything that I wanted it to be and that CPR has only improvements to make from now on and not fixes. We should all appreciate this and try to help them so so.