SacredChao: I found there to be a couple of annoyances with the combat as well, most noticeably the somewhat temperamental block move.
And yes, the combat could be a bit frustrating at times, even on normal. But at the same time, I appreciate not being able to steamroll absolutely everything and actually have to work for your victories (as in, you know, old school RPGs).
There are of course a number of things that needs to be fixed, but that's always the case with new games.
Then there's the issue of balancing, I found that once I got a bit into the second chapter and unlocked the adrenaline-based Finishers, the game still became significantly easier. And when both the Swordsmanship and Magic Finishers were unlocked, I essentially only died if I fucked up really badly. Heliotrope also completely massacred bosses. This might be because I accidentally stumbled upon something of a game-breaker.
[SPOILER WARNING] I had recently unlocked it when facing the Draug, took a severe beating down to perhaps 20% remaining health, then Heliotrope activated, and I could essentially wail at what was a full HP boss until it died.
It also severely broke the Kingslayer fight, in which I think I got hit once or twice.
END OF SPOILERS The problem with Heliotrope, I think, is that once it charges up just once, everyone is so slowed as to be unable to prevent you from simply attacking them until it recharges again (with the added bonus of instantly killing two or three people every time it does if you have Swordsmanship), and then rinse/repeat.
All in all though, I loved this game and I found that it way surpassed Dragon Age II, which pains my heart as a Bioware fanboy of old to say. And once I'd gotten into the combat, I found I enjoyed it quite a bit.
But what I wouldn't give for an Enhanced Edition of this game as well. Oh well, off to play on Hard this time.
anyway. they can make changes that dont make you not have to work for it, but they could make the game so that you can still make it control better and more fluid.
also part of my problem with blocking (addressing people who may be annoyed by me about this by now) is it goes from useless, to too damn useful. that is fully because of the vigour it is tied to.
the blocking mechanism being separate from it will make the game hard still but not easy, allowing them to scale the block better without having to worry about the signs at the same time.