slash11: The only really good game valve has done was HL 1 nothing more....
HL 2 is rather a mediocre shooter. A fail game if you ask me..
The same year far cry came and has blown away HL 2 on almost any level except physics but that's it. HL 2 was so easy that you could play it on difficult and eat a pizza at the same time.
I thought HL2 was 10 times better than HL1, which I've always believed to be pretty overrated (good game, don't get me wrong, but not the 'best FPS ever' kind of good).
Also, I'm pretty sure everyone hated Steam when it was first introduced with HL2. I bought it when it just came out, installed it, and realized I had to install this 'Steam' software which seemed pointless and wasteful of my system resources. I didn't return to Steam until 2007 (for The Orange Box). I only really started buying off of Steam during the 2009 holiday sales since everything was so cheap, so even though I was still thinking that Steam was pretty awful at the time, for the insanely low prices (I'd never seen games go for that cheap before), I had to get them. Then I also realized Steam had become a much friendlier application with some pretty neat features, so I stopped disliking it and embraced it.
I mean, I knew at the time that not having the physical discs puts me in jeopardy of losing them at any time (heck, I lose plenty of game discs randomly anyway), but for $3 or $4 a game, the rewards are worth the risks.
Even in terms of renting the games, where else can you rent a game for $5 for 2 or 3 years? Say if you've never played HL2 before, it'd be foolish to turn it down for $2 on a sale just because you've got this 'I'm not paying for it on Steam on account of it being like a rental' mentality. Play it, enjoy it, finish it, and move on. Just don't buy games at full price - you can buy a whole year's (or more) supply of games for $40 - $50.
Anyway I won't say any more about this subject. I see where you're coming at, and I agree to some extent, but I believe that there are clear positives that need to be considered.