Gigantoad: I had the same issue. Do you have a multi monitor setup by any chance? As soon as I deactivated my other 2 monitors and just left the center one, the game launched (in fullscreen of course).
Nope, just one 30" monitor. When I win the lottery, I'll add 2 more for an eyefinity setup + buy a new house to put the system in :P
Interesting to know that the game can't launch in a multi monitor setup either... At what resolutions are your screens running?
Ashok0: It's not just an ATI problem. I use a 2560x1440 Apple LED Cinema Display with an nVidia GTX 260. The game won't launch unless I lower my desktop resolution, which imho isn't very acceptable. Not trying to hate on the developers or anything, hopefully there will be a patch ASAP.
furbs: Ah well good to know its more common than just ATI, more chance of it being fixed sooner. I can understand all of the people in the thread saying its day 1/2/3 and we cant expect perfection, which I can agree to an extent. But larger higher res monitors are creeping in and would it have really been that hard to sit there and check each resolution in the scale. Probably would have taken a tester about 10 minutes to realise it wouldnt launch at that res.
So this is a resolution problem, not a GPU driver issue!
A bug like this would definitely be easier to test! But it looks like CDProjekt didn't have enough money for high res LCDs in their test lab, which should be a thing of the past with Witcher 2's release, I hope ;)