Posted May 20, 2011

postin thrills
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

New Viewser
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted May 20, 2011

I heard some of you complain about the size the savegame directory grew to during the course of the game. I've created a small utility which will allow you to scan, preview and delete or backup a set of savegame to free up some space on your computer.
New version 0.6 :
* Display progress for savegame backup
* List of savegame is sortable by name, size or date
* Set options :
- Disable confirmation
- Autodetect or manually set savegame directory
- Backup only savegame but do not delete them (useful to exchange savegame
with your friends)
- Set the default backup directory to easily backup savegames
Preview :
Download :
I'm not sure if the game directory name is localized or not. If this utility cannot find your save directory, please let me know so I can fix it.
Also let me know if you encounter any bug (it should ask for confirmation before any deletion) or if you need more features. I might be able to free up some time tomorrow to work on it a bit more. Contact information are included in the archive if needed.
Other than that this looks great. Thanks!

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 21, 2011
Bumping because this is awesome. I just cleaned up over half a gig of saves.
Everybody should be made aware of this!!
Everybody should be made aware of this!!

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 21, 2011
Damn it wish I had seen this earlier. Just cleared out 1.5 gb of saves after finishing my first run through (only kept the final autosave) I really wanted to sort out the critical saves but when I saw how many actual saves I had I thought sod that. Looks like it would have been somewhat easier with this tool.
Ah well at least I have it now so will be well armed for my future runs. Thank you for taking the time to make this available to everyone, much appreciated.
Ah well at least I have it now so will be well armed for my future runs. Thank you for taking the time to make this available to everyone, much appreciated.

New User
Registered: Jun 2009
From United States
Posted May 21, 2011
You can also enable Windows file & folder compression on the save directory. I enabled compression and it reduced the size of the directory by 60%

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From France
Posted May 21, 2011
A new version is available.
* You can now manage Witcher 1 savegame too
* Display version in title bar
* Source are available if anyone want to check I don't do anything naughty
I haven't been able to reproduce this, are you using the regular US regional settings?
A new version is available.
* You can now manage Witcher 1 savegame too
* Display version in title bar
* Source are available if anyone want to check I don't do anything naughty
I haven't been able to reproduce this, are you using the regular US regional settings?

New Viewser
Registered: May 2009
From United States

damaged lemon
Registered: Nov 2008
From Canada

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted May 22, 2011

A new version is available.
* You can now manage Witcher 1 savegame too
* Display version in title bar
* Source are available if anyone want to check I don't do anything naughty

Post edited May 22, 2011 by sol7402

New User
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted May 22, 2011
Thank you for this. I still have a very hard time believing how badly CPR has messed up with this game in terms of simple things such as UI etc. To think that they'd still mess up after going through the whole process with W1.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Israel
Posted May 22, 2011
amazing tool!! big thanks. this is heavily needed.
CDPR should have given us a delete option in the game's menu.
CDPR should have given us a delete option in the game's menu.

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted May 22, 2011
Ooh, this looks very useful, especially for someone who saves obsessively, like me. :-) Thanks loads for making it!

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 22, 2011
thanks, what I find most useful is the small preview next to the save. It helps me recognize what save Im looking at better than the name alone.
BTW , what did you use to code this, and in case is c++ could I take a look at the source?
thank you.
BTW , what did you use to code this, and in case is c++ could I take a look at the source?
thank you.

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From France

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States