ArnoldJ.Rimmer: an obvious question was the OP doing on a pirate site in the first place ? ;)
Ever heard of owning a game or movie or tv show but leaving it boxed or want a quick easy way to get it on your PC?
I pay where the kudos are deserved like in the case of TW2. (Not owned by a big money hungry publisher that sacrifices quality to meet big dollar deadlines)
corerupt: I have pre order and why you got to be such a dick lol?
Anyways i too believe in supporting companies like these which is why i spent the money, its worth every penny. But when their content seems to be getting out to pirates before its available on the witcher 2 launcher via the DLC link then im going to ask why.
If the muppet i quoted could read instead of flapping his gums he'll see i'm not moaning but asking if this is right or if i am mistaken and then stating that its a bit lame if the latter is true, considering i payed and showed my support to CDP.
revial: And, if you had any reading comprehension, I already said those are VENDOR-SPECIFIC DLC. You know, DLC you got if you bought through a specific vendor. Not some DLC we poor oppressed gamers are waiting patiently to get access to while those evil pirates get it all "before" us.
Btw, the muppets were awesome.
LOL you fail again my friend as i understood what you were banging on about but felt i needed to address your shitty reply.
You fucked up the reading part not me. Not once but twice, shame on you.