cjrgreen: No. That is exactly what I meant by the excessive character optimization that was not designed to be an objective of the game and indeed should not become an objective of the game.
Kibou: If it was the devs intention not to have "excessive character optimization" in the game, then this whole mutagen feature was a mistake, and should never have been implemented.
I'd also like to know what you believe to be the opposite (or rather, the better counterpart) of "excessive character optimization", since that whole idea doesn't make any sense for me. Any kind of character development is always character optimization, one war or another.
What behavior do you think the game should encourage? Just putting the first mutagen you find into any empty slots you have, no matter what it is? How should a player be encouraged to "optimize" his character by selecting the mutagen that best suits his preferences, but not by making sure he uses the best one available?
It's excessive character optimization when the business of finding artifacts to "improve" your character becomes serious enough that players not only demand changes to the designed characteristics of the game solely for the purpose of maximizing the statistics of their character, but dismiss the game as broken because it does not allow them to do so.
If it were absolutely necessary to change an already acquired and used enhancement to complete some part of the plot of the game itself, I wouldn't consider it excessive optimization. But merely demanding that you be allowed to use all of the best armor, or weapons, or enhancements in the game just because you want to min-max your character is silly, and the game developers should not compromise their own designed balance of the game to accommodate it.
This is especially true when the developers are resource-limited and have better uses of their time than to satisfy min-maxers just because they want to play games in their habitual way.