Posted July 27, 2011

In most cases that I encountered it though, enemies had yet to hit me and I still had a delay before I could actually get Geralt to move. This seemed to occur most after dodging/rolling. Throwing a bomb is another example of the long input delays.
I've complained about the console UI many times before, but after playing for a while with an XBox 360 controller I can see that the UI is obviously designed for that purpose. Since the goal was always to have a console version of the game, the UI had to be designed for consoles.
Even so, there are several tweaks that would make the experience a lot better for PC and console players.
I can also attest to these:

3) Controls sometimes aren't recognized when sheathing/unsheathing sword.

1. Fix bomb bug
2. We need hotkeys to navigate directly from menu to menu, instead of backing out each time.
3. We need to know how much we have of each item in the main UI and the popup menu. This seems like an easy one to implement.
4. Consider tweaking the recovery time between actions, ie; combat tweaks. This would likely take the most effort to fix.
If nothing else but those 4 things were ever addressed, I'd be perfectly happy.
In particular, #3 would be super useful. Dragon Age: Origins also didn't show you how many crafted items you had available while in the crafting (think Alchemy) menu, but you had the option of showing this information in your quick bar (which I did).
It may not be coming across the way I intend, but I absolutely adore this game, even as it is. I'm just hoping these issues can be resolved to make it all the greater.
Lastly, here are my specs:
* Intel Core 2 Quad Core 2.4 Ghz
* 4 GB RAM
* Win7x64
* eVGA nVidia 8800 GTS 512