Aaden: There's a second set of entries in your character screen (one of those other tabs in the menu popping up when hitting 'c'). Maybe the info you're looking for is there and the books only add an additional journal entry - I only finished the game once so far and bought the books, so I'm not sure about the exact mechanics.
rocsen: I have two entries in there which helps a bit. But still doesn't explain why the journal is empty. Possible bug?
I think it's intended then. Those character screen entries develop in three steps (depending on how many monsters of that type you killed). The books instantly unlock 3/3 and give you an additional journal entry (which is more like a bit of lore text, similar to the scrap of text underneath all the important data in TW1). So the character screen is 'knowledge' while the journal is 'lore' - at least concerning monsters. For potions it's a whole different story.
Long story short: No, it's not a bug. But I'd agree that it is flawed design and counter-intuitive - especially compared to TW1.
Or do you mean that the quest section of the journal is empty/still telling you to find out about the monsters? In that case, you either need to gather more knowledge, or it might even be a bug (which I didn't hear of so far, though).