kendrix: well, there is a difference. with the setting on, the game gets unnecessary blurred. which sucks, because tw2 has some great hires textures.
No, that's the "motion blur". Apparently, from the descriptions I'm reading, Ubersampling is rendering each frame multiple times, which exaggerates a function that already exaggerates a visual device meant to convey the "blurring" the human eye perceives as when turning your head or moving your eyes really fast. Imagine watching a DVD on "Single-frame-advance" mode during such a time as when the motion blur function is being displayed. It only
looks like it's more blurry because Ubersampling is slowing down the framerate enough to keep the blur effects on screen longer than was intended.
Lehti: Ok, I think I got it. Is there a more common term for the algorithm other than "übersampling"?
Probably not, since it looks to be a proprietary CDPR technology. Their tech, their terminology.