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Rockmyheart: Just makes no sense that they would put it there and they had no idea what that means not very logical thing to do but what is more odd in that is that why didn't they bother to translate it. Since it is a big part of understanding the character in this case IORVETH.
dnna: Maybe because it's ridiculous? Just hearing Elven speech is far more mysterious than a translation about carrots, it would be REALLY weird and out of place in the game. :P
It could be that they thought it would sound sexy when they left it out of translation. Maybe it is just part of that mysterious atmosphere that they were trying to create by that :-)

Dunno really but i have to admit it does sound cool.
On the linked Russian forum, user Hinkes says:
"Writers from CDP wasted half a day to find what exactly it was. And found:

Oh, carrot, tasty carrot,
With even fat/lard on top,
And also chicken with parsley..."
The post is met with a resounding "HUH??!!"

To which Hinkes responds:
"No joke. We and the localization department from CDP tried to translate this on our own and failed. We then asked the writers, and they replied that they didn't remember, but got curious themselves. Then they spent half a day pulling up old archives with scene descriptions, and found it. By the way, the original scene description says that there is a bowl of soup on the table in front of Iorveth.

And judging by the tone of his voice, he's smoking something other than regular tobacco.

Kinda sad, really. No elven poetry whatsoever."
So this confirms my theory that Iorveth, the scourge of d'hoine, dreams of peacefully smoking weed and reciting an ode to chicken soup.
Post edited July 19, 2011 by Koschay
I knew his plan was to put the carrots in his belly.
Thanks for the translation, Koschay!

I am laughing so hard at them forgetting the original text and digging it up... and the 'poem' itself, of course. And weed.
"Chicken" and "carrot" have never sounded sexier. Go Iorveth go go go!
'You are' still doesn't fit in there, but i guess if not even the writers knew what it meant by reading it and had to go look for notes of the scene description to figure out what the words are supposed to mean then Elder Speech is just a bunch of cool sounding words put togheter without any actuall meaning to them.

Thanks for the translation Koschay and thanks againg for the link vAddicatedGamer.

Edit: typo
Post edited July 19, 2011 by Namur
Well it does sort of rhyme those words maonne and daonne if i'm not mistaken anyway what ever he is saying it does sound hot even if it is about carrots and soups :-)
Post edited July 20, 2011 by Rockmyheart
Heh, no problem, I had quite a laugh over it.

And "you are" probably fits like this:

"You are so ever tasty, oh carrot,
In the ever-so-rich broth,
With chicken and parsley aplenty..."
Yeah, you can 'hammer' it in to fit, sure. ;)

But the point is, it's not really a translation. otherwise the writers would have been able to translate it instead of spending half a day looking for notes on the scene in order to figure out what the words are supposed to mean. The words coming out of Iorvetth's mouth couuld have been anything and the 'meaning' would be the very same.

It's not that it bothers me that there's not any hint of an actual language, not knowing one way or the other, now that bothered me ;)
They should make an official translation contest. The best one gets patched in as official translation, because obviously they have no idea what it was supposed to mean anyway :D
So Elder Speach is just a made up language that doesn't actually mean anything! how sad.
digby69: So Elder Speach is just a made up language that doesn't actually mean anything! how sad.
It's a bloody celtic-mainly mixture, CDPRed made up some terms and words, because Sapkowski used relatively few.
dnna: They should make an official translation contest. The best one gets patched in as official translation, because obviously they have no idea what it was supposed to mean anyway :D
Like Ostrowiak said, CDPR probably made up the words. I envision that was how it works: They made a song about chicken and carrots, then mix-match words to make an Elder Speech version.

The reason why they have to dig up the original script is probably because the "Elder Speech" (used loosely here) is "custom made", and probably just used for that one scene such that none of the writers is fluent in that custom Elder language.
vAddicatedGamer: The reason why they have to dig up the original script is probably because the "Elder Speech" (used loosely here) is "custom made", and probably just used for that one scene such that none of the writers is fluent in that custom Elder language.
I know, that's why they should let fans give meaning to newly made-up words :P
dnna: I know, that's why they should let fans give meaning to newly made-up words :P
Like this? :)