I didn't understand that Virmire joke until I googled it to figure out what I recognized the name from. Clearly that game had a significant impact on me.
Tuco: You guys are the very reason why games today are boring, unchallenging and more in general made to be retard-proof.
Those who have found it difficult are older gamers for the most part. Without older gamers, everything would be a
super rad awesome first-person shooter and gaming would devolve into a 13 year-old's wet dream.
The fact that games are being dumbed-down isn't necessarily a direct result of
them so much as soulless profiteering on the part of certain companies. On the contrary, I think that older gamers' experience with older, timeless games that the younger crowd tends to pass on helps drive demand in the right direction.
So maybe we should give them a pass on the Kayran, just this once.