The reason for the savegame unhappiness, is maybe not having an easy way of houskeeping your savegames in real time.
The following advice is no good if your video card can't handle dual monitors, ie does not have two monitor sockets on the video card, or is slow.
Two monitors will help savegame problems and clutter.
Please note that monitors are used for many years longer than your computer will last. They are a great investment. You will enjoy their use long after you have forgotten the price.
A second monitor will make alt-tab real time houskeeping trivial.
To allow this: set the game to NOT use full screen i.e. a window, in the TW2 launcher; and have your file manager/s and TW2-GameGuide.pdf (I'm just that type of person) etc running on the other screen.
Housekeeping example: You might have had 5 saves in the last 5mins. When you feel safe, alt-tab to the file-manager of your choice on the other screen, right-click check the savegame pics of the savegame file pairs, so you don't delete the wrong saves; and delete the 5 pairs of savegame files on the other screen and alt-tab back to the game and save. You have replaced the ManualSave_0026.sav through with a single ManualSave_0026.sav
Better yet, you have a fresh memory of what you have done; rather than coming back later to try to work out what to delete (which never ever gets done well).
The reason for doing this housekeeping is you can save and save, and you don't care.
Temporarily copy a couple of saves to another folder, disk or thumbdrive if the saves are of the "can't be sure if they're important" variety.
You will start to notice how and when TW2 saves, because you will see the savgames and auto-saves appear in real time on the other monitor.
To find a second monitor; i looked at the on-line stores for what was available, and googled/searched for <monitor model number> with the word "review", or "problem" added. I was able to then decide what was important about my purchase, and whether my video card could handle dual monitors.
I too got sick of savegame houskeeping till i found a 2-monitor solution. Eventually you will find you can't live without dual monitors [wide smile].