Posted May 23, 2011

Em Ber
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Registered: Nov 2010
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Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted May 23, 2011
Haha, thanks for sharing. I'd be completely embarrassed to post a video like that. Amazing what people will do on the internet when they think they're anonymous. This video is a classic example of what happens to immature or reclusive people that spend far too much time in fantasy land.
"If the whole game is like this, how will I ever beat it". Well, he could play space invaders or pacman. For the most part they're easier!
"If the whole game is like this, how will I ever beat it". Well, he could play space invaders or pacman. For the most part they're easier!
Post edited May 23, 2011 by MikeP999

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011
Wow...heard of LOCK ON?

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011
damn no more making abortion jokes in his comments.

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Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 23, 2011

Not that we need comments to tell the player is incompetent and childish, but I do worry about people who haven't played the game seeing this and actually believing his tripe.
None of his claims actually stand, from the parrying to people avoiding traps to the game cheating. If he simply thought about what was going on he would realize this.
I mean, we see him, so many time, mashing the fast-attack button while enemies obviously surround him, and he just keeps mashing hoping to kill his target (which is now parrying his attacks, so it's useless) before they attack him, and then he freaks out when he gets killed.
What is it that Einstein said? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
If you know they don't hesitate to flank and attack you, DON'T GET FLANKED. Do SOMETHING ELSE.
This isn't AC2, and you're not meant to let yourself be surrounded, so you can then kill them all in a single kill streak. Not the same genre, not the same game. It is foolish to expect a completely different game to conform with the gameplay of another.
nahhh it doesnt affect "yet to players" at all.
especially when he spends all the time crying that the enemy can use tactics too,that actually almost got me installing the

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Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011
"Stop chasing me asshole!" .... Why should he? He's a city Knight and you're an invading and powerful enemy.. If he DIDN'T chase you he'd be stupid.
"Yeah, get up behind me and gang bang me, nothing I can do about it." This is what you do in a group. If they weren't bright enough to surround an opponent they'd die for sure. Giving a famous meme here "Do a barrel roll."
I had difficulty with the prologue as well, I will admit. I died at least 20 times during it. But as the game went on I realized the mechanics at play. I am currently playing on Insane mode and have made it half way through Act 1. Not as stupid a design as you might think.
"Yeah, get up behind me and gang bang me, nothing I can do about it." This is what you do in a group. If they weren't bright enough to surround an opponent they'd die for sure. Giving a famous meme here "Do a barrel roll."
I had difficulty with the prologue as well, I will admit. I died at least 20 times during it. But as the game went on I realized the mechanics at play. I am currently playing on Insane mode and have made it half way through Act 1. Not as stupid a design as you might think.

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Registered: Dec 2010
From Netherlands
Posted May 23, 2011
Omg not even using Potions/only 1sign and no bombs. Also running in between two guys and complaint that they dont atackl 1by1

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Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011

EDIT: Wow.. he's complaining that you can get hit during the dodge? Seriously? Since when are you supposed to phase through objects when you dodge? I thought your body was still there, just in motion. You still have to actually dodge the attack itself. Dodge is meant to help aid you in getting out of range, not avoid damage all together you-... I'll stop before I say it.
Post edited May 23, 2011 by DarknessGlow

Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011
Wow...I feel sorry for his parents who have to put up with this spoiled little child...He should've been spanked more while growing up! "Omg quit chasing me!" "Why are they ganging up on me!?"...Well, that's what they're supposed to do.
He probably bitched at his mommy when she bought him that $5000 rig because she got the wrong color LCD case-light..
EDIT: Holy fuckin' Christ, this kid's 29!? I thought he was at least 16!...
He probably bitched at his mommy when she bought him that $5000 rig because she got the wrong color LCD case-light..
EDIT: Holy fuckin' Christ, this kid's 29!? I thought he was at least 16!...
Post edited May 23, 2011 by takezodunmer2005

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Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted May 23, 2011
I suppose I'd be unhappy too if I resembled him. Rude I know, but hey he deserves this small personal attack. You'd think at his age he'd not act in that manner, perhaps its for show?
Post edited May 23, 2011 by MikeP999

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Registered: Jun 2010
From Afghanistan

Estelio nin
Registered: Nov 2010
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011

Done here.

Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted May 23, 2011
I suppose I'd be unhappy too if I resembled him. Rude I know, but hey he deserves this small personal attack. You'd think at his age he'd not act in that manner, perhaps its for show?

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted May 23, 2011
lol did you notice how that guy never used strong attacks. He just hack and slashed and then he wondered why he got hit all the time. He never drank a swallow potion. He could have trapped the armored enemies and then attacked them from behind, as that's their weak spot.

New User
Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted May 23, 2011

Done here.