Yakkuz: ... and NO, you DON'T HAVE the right to crack the game. I
Doesn't that depend on the laws present where the poster lives?
If anyone has purchased a retail copy and cannot use it due to DRM that was only disclosed at the last minute (so not mentioned by most stores - see
Amazon.co.uk for one example) then it would take a rather perverse morality to tell them they should just suck it, especially when refunds are not generally available on software.
Fantatierchen: The time the game takes to start means nothing.
It does mean something when it takes an extraordinarily long time (40 seconds in my case) and you have periodic CTDs requring restarts.
Fantatierchen: It depends on your hard drive speed, the fragmentation of the respective volume, the fragmentation of the individual files, services running in the background, av scanners and even the actual physical location of the files on the disc.
I'm running Witcher 2 from a RAID-0 SSD (550MB/s read speed) with minimal services and no AV. I am using a crack (necessary to access the retail copy on my offline system) but given the experience of other retail users here, doubt that it's making much of a difference.