Posted August 04, 2011
I tried the FXAA, and it works marvelously well !
A true revolution to me, the HUD blurring is noticeable, but not annoying at all, and certainly not altering the gameplay, that's all we need ^^
An effect that is so close to Ubersampling setting that it's hard to tell the difference, and honestly, between losing 40% fps and 4 fps, the choise is easy to make...
The effect is even better with AA enabled : edges are more blended, and seems to become slightly more accurate than with FXAA alone.
Powerful algorithm, i don't understand why this technology was not more used before, considering how old it is... maybe to sell more powerful GPU's ? :p
I noticed also that TW2 AA was not getting better with drivers options, i finally got the answer to this...
A true revolution to me, the HUD blurring is noticeable, but not annoying at all, and certainly not altering the gameplay, that's all we need ^^
An effect that is so close to Ubersampling setting that it's hard to tell the difference, and honestly, between losing 40% fps and 4 fps, the choise is easy to make...
The effect is even better with AA enabled : edges are more blended, and seems to become slightly more accurate than with FXAA alone.
Powerful algorithm, i don't understand why this technology was not more used before, considering how old it is... maybe to sell more powerful GPU's ? :p
I noticed also that TW2 AA was not getting better with drivers options, i finally got the answer to this...