A request to modders: Please include a .txt file with the name of your mod and basic installation instructions, or at least name the archive something distinctive. This is a convention in most modding communities I've experienced (Infinity Engine, Source Engine, etc). It's not just helpful for someone unfamiliar to how modding works for a particular game, it's helpful for people with lots of mods to identify the files they've downloaded.
One of the mods I downloaded recently is simply the "CookedPC" folder with an xml file inside. I'm sure the mod works perfectly well, but I can't figure out which one it is, and there's a conflict with its contents and another mod, so I'm not sure which one is affecting what and which changes I'd prefer.
If the mod folder was called "Geralt Uglification Mod" or if it contained a text file with the name of the Geralt Uglification Mod, I'd know what folder I was looking at.