fireundubh: Add All Usable Items to Innkeepers,
Add All Usable Items to Mysterious Merchant, and
XML Item Fixes have been updated.
The first two were missing bombs and, surprisingly, nobody brought that to my attention.
I also removed quest items and most of the nonfunctional items. I left some potentially nonfunctional crafting diagrams and recipes. For example, there's no Nilfgaardian Harpy sword, so the diagram probably won't give you anything. Any item that does not have a orens value is likely to be nonfunctional. Again, be a smart consumer and watch what you buy! ;)
XML Item Fixes was renamed
XML Fixes. I had left out an ability fix for mages that should actually correct a bug with Igni, where the speed of Igni was not being applied. With that said, that bug probably only affects NPCs that use Igni or cast fireball spells. I had left this fix out of the initial release because it completely slipped my mind.
FYI: The modding tutorial in the original post is rather extensive. Extracting files from the pack0.dzip is trivial with Gibbed's RED.Unpack tool. Unfortunately, RED.Unpack is an all-or-nothing drag-and-drop tool or a command-line tool, and you need to know how to download the sources from SVN and compile the solution with Microsoft Visual Studio or MSBUILD. Gibbed also has a RED.Pack tool, which creates DZIPs, so it's worthwhile to download and learn TortoiseSVN and Microsoft Visual Studio Express.
( not that they need any, just to know if I should download a more recent version or if they share any problem you had with the all items)