Posted May 18, 2011

The bug was entering a door before an NPC I was supposed to follow. This apparently broke his script so that he was "stuck" waiting for me to appear and thus refused to move onward. After that, just to be safe, I made sure I actually followed every NPC, even though the issue hadn't sprung up on some previous NPC follows I had done previous to that specific one. :p
My only real gripe outside of consolizing the UI that uses a scrolling list designed around small screen resolutions was that the game was pretty short. But, shortness is a complaint us old fogies have had for years now, and I'm well aware the days of me spending 50-100 hours to finish a game are long gone so I'm mostly ok with that (took less than 20 hours while missing five quests on hard). I consider myself a pretty good gamer though, so like anything related to time to completion, it's pretty relative. Some other metrics for recent RPGs to put it into perspective for me was 35 hours for Dragon Age Origins the first time through and about 18 hours for Dragon Age 2 doing everything except the (at the time) bugged wounded coast quest in the last part of the game.
Otherwise, I loved...LOVED how much more in tune with the novels the game was this time around, which easily overcame any issues I had with the game mechanics and length.

Are you doing all the quests you can find, talking to npcs?