Posted May 23, 2011
How can you say the "console" gameplay is a detriment but then list recent Bioware "rpgs" which are all console focused? Next time you review something, please don't add your favorite games. I was enjoying, yet not agreeing, until I saw your list.
Off topic but this game is vastly superior to either Mass Effect (absolutely broken combat and uninspired level designs) or Dragon Age (about as generic as a game can get). See what you made me do? :)
Kalfear: heh, I hope we both around when developers decide to drop the action portion and focus on real RPG play!
As you know, im a huge Witcher fan. CDProjekt has the story down pat, I hope they at least go back to TW1 (EE version) gameplay. Demon's Souls is more RPG than anything Bioware's released lately. What is real RPG play anyways?
Also, oh no the horror no! Fun to watch but completely dull to play.
Off topic but this game is vastly superior to either Mass Effect (absolutely broken combat and uninspired level designs) or Dragon Age (about as generic as a game can get). See what you made me do? :)

As you know, im a huge Witcher fan. CDProjekt has the story down pat, I hope they at least go back to TW1 (EE version) gameplay.
Also, oh no the horror no! Fun to watch but completely dull to play.
Post edited May 23, 2011 by ThulsaDooom