Corylea: I loved TW2 but not as much as TW1. And yes, I was disappointed in the ending.
Having the whole thing be a Nilfgardian plot seemed sort of obvious. Oh, the bad guys from the books are the bad guys here, too? The bad guys are still bad? How ... predictable.
Also, Letho's motivation didn't make much sense to me. I can see where restarting a witcher school could be a big motivator, but starting a witcher school in order to make mutant assassins for Nilfgard -- and why else would Nilfgard be interested in starting a witcher school -- seems like it should be anathema to any witcher. Letho isn't stupid, naive, or unskilled in double-dealing, yet he seems to take Nilfgard's plan to restart the Viper school at face value. Huh? I don't buy it.
And I didn't feel as if I got as full an explanation as I wanted of Geralt's return to life and his amnesia. Whenever you leave the Wild Hunt, you have amnesia because ... well, just because. Or was there an actual reason in there that I managed to miss?
It seemed to me that the events in TW1 were wrapped around Geralt. In TW2, it seemed like Geralt played a significant role in events that weren't about him at all. From what I hear, that IS true to Sapkowski's books ... but that doesn't make it a fun game to play.
I think the game is stunningly beautiful, and some of the cutscenes are just WOW. But that's not the same as the game's being fun; I actually enjoyed
The Witcher 1 more.
I think for me the main drawback of TW2, as compared with TW1, is that so few of the people in TW2 are actually likeable. In TW1, I liked both Siegfried and Yaevinn. I liked Thaler. I liked Vincent Meiss. I liked and admired Shani. I'm not sure that I
liked Vaska, but I thought she was interesting. Sure, we hate Javed and the Professor, but there were a lot of likeable people to ally with or even just to talk to.
In TW2, I don't really like anyone except for the characters who are repeating from TW1. I don't care that much for Vernon Roche, nor do I like Iorveth all that much. Henselt is an @sshole, and I despise Dethmold. I haven't met anyone as good-hearted as Vincent Meiss or as entertaining as Thaler, no one as interesting as Yaevinn. Being with all these horrible people left a bad taste in my mouth.
I really just wanted to kill the lot of them, take Zoltan, Dandelion and Triss, and go far, far away.
Did you play the Iorveth path yet? it has more likable characters by far compared to the Roche path. Also if you played the Roche path how can you not like Vess?