Posted May 16, 2012
Used to those BioWare "I Win Awesome Buttons"?
Some people don't like games that are very difficult. Mocking them won't help... we need to explain why such games are so rewarding and encourage them to keep trying. The Witcher 2 can be very hard when you first start playing and are still learning the controls, but it gets easier and a lot more fun once you learn the way combat works. It would be a shame for the OP to give up before he or she reaches that point, and being met with derision on these forums for daring to complain about the difficulty in the beginning is only going to ensure that.
Fortunately, a lot of the posters here are genuinely trying to be helpful, and I hope they will be the ones to guide the discussion.
What I am saying however that the posts like his are filled with sense of self entitlement.
The guy comes in to the forums, makes one post and moves on.
Now you may like this type of conversation, you may be even tolerant of it, I am not (call it my short coming). The problem here is that without a will and commitment to back up the conversation he is starting, he should not expect to be treated any different to how one would treat a troll.
Forum is a place where we exchange ideas and opinions (that should be informed) and not a place where we log on once to whine and move on. The game is not bad just because you are bad at it, you are bad at and that is that.
And yes, I have threw in BioWare reference to point out that their games have auto play mode now and if that is what people want from them that is all nice and good. You see I do not frequent the to make unsupported claims and monologues about what I do not like and them disappear never to be seen again, all while claiming that regardless of what the community thinks of a product, it is a complete waste of XYZ dollars... and I expect the same from him.
Last but not least, I have one of those t-shirts that says "I survived Witcher 2 1.0" and I will certainly agree that the game back then was very hard. Now I am what you could say a very experience but casual gamer (been doing it for a long time but have little time to do it these days). And I would be the first one to say that if you do not like hard games, games without "win" button or games that treat you as a grown up, do not buy Witcher 2.
In the end, it is not what he said it is how he said it and most of all the title he has given to his post. His way of saying things is not a way that invites conversation, he states what he himself considers to be undisputed fact and moves on, all while putting the game down. His is what I consider wrong attitude where forums are concerned...
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Ebon-Hawk