Posted May 25, 2011

Heres why Im not bothered by this auto targeting thing that seems to put some people off. Because I dont *expect* to stand there, and attack a single enemy until he's dead, move on to the next, and repeat. Combat in TW2 is primarily about damage avoidance, and striking *opportunistically*, not striking methodically like in the first game. I never lock on to a single foe.
If you expect to face the enemy swarms in TW2, and have your way one at time with the mob, while the others wait their turn, you will struggle. The sooner you figure out that *avoiding damage* and keeping the enemy in front of you is the first priority, and striking at what the enemy gives you, even if it means splitting your combat between multiple opponents until you thin out the herd, the better you will do. This seems to me a far more realistic approximation of blade combat against multiple foes.
My point is that in TW Geralt can easily outmaneuver all his enemies because he is faster and easier to control with a mouse. Dodging is mostly used as a last resort when cornered in tight spaces like houses or crypts. And I forgot to mention group styles. I did not got that far but I understand that in TW2 there is some kind of ability to attack multiple targets.
Avoiding damage is also important in TW but it is a lot easier. Of course, when you level up and get better armor, swords and attacks you can easily hold your ground when facing large mobs of lesser foes. And I suppose that in TW2 will happen the same.
I am not put off by auto targeting, I only say that you not only strike *opportunistically* but many times you strike *randomly*. This is why all this running and rolling hoping to separate an enemy from the group and pick it for an easy opportunistic strike.
Of course, I'm talking about how combat looks in the early stages before you get any special sword skills or magic abilities.
keeping the enemy in front of you My favorite topic. :) Now that you mentioned it, how are you supposed to keep the enemy in front of you when you can't walk backwards or sidestep? Someone said jokingly that in TW2 Geralt moves like Pac-Man. But, strangely enough, auto targeting works even when the enemies are behind. Oh well, I suppose CDP had to cut animations for some reason. Or maybe this is the way it was meant to be played to make it easier for buttons.
Post edited May 25, 2011 by MihaiHornet