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Been revisiting this one in the past couple of days, playing a skirmish and two campaign missions so far.

1. Can you pick the "empty from building" option for resources transported to non-HQ/storehouse buildings somehow? Also are the resources lost after demolishing a building or not? For example a stocked catapult or mine.

2. Can you empty specific military buildings of soldiers or resourcers without demolishing them somehow?

3. Is there a mod that lets you change the entrance direction for buildings?

4. Can you make soldiers escape from battle? Sometimes I'll have weak soldiers go before the best ones into battle, despite picking "attack with strongest", wasting more soldiers.

5. Can you terraform/flatten or upgrade a piece of land to be suitable for bigger buildings somehow?

6. Can you upgrade or downgrade military buildings?

7. I noticed the mineral signs disappear after a while, is that supposed to happen and can it be toggled on/off somehow?

8. Is checking if a mine is at 0% and with some food in it a reliable way to tell that it's exhausted? It seems that you can sometimes miss out on the message for this, but even if you can't I sometimes forget about one if I'm busy with something else.

9. Is it better for transporting to place flags fairly close to each other or not?

Post edited December 23, 2016 by ResidentLeever
ResidentLeever: Been revisiting this one in the past couple of days, playing a skirmish and two campaign missions so far.

1. Can you pick the "empty from building" option for resources transported to non-HQ/storehouse buildings somehow? Also are the resources lost after demolishing a building or not? For example a stocked catapult or mine.
Unfortunately, no. And when a building is demolished, all is lost.
ResidentLeever: 2. Can you empty specific military buildings of soldiers or resourcers without demolishing them somehow?
You can't empty it completely. You can toggle the number of soldiers using the sliders in the options where you set the number of soldiers in the center, middle and border ares.
ResidentLeever: 3. Is there a mod that lets you change the entrance direction for buildings?
None that I know of. But I never did mods.
ResidentLeever: 4. Can you make soldiers escape from battle? Sometimes I'll have weak soldiers go before the best ones into battle, despite picking "attack with strongest", wasting more soldiers.
Once they're out there, you can't recall them

5. You can order a building then cancel it as soon as the land is flattened before the builder arrives.

6. No.

7. As far as I now, you can't do anything about it. I usually place mines immediately without connecting them, so they are not build but I know what goes where.

8. Yes. 0% with food means exhausted.

9. As close as possible is most efficient.
Awesome, thanks.

I found another, partial, solution to 2 (when you have more soldiers than you want in a miliary building that's pretty close to another one that's right at the border, from which you want to attack) which is to increase the number of soldiers you want in the HQ and then send them back out again. Seems to help better than just the sliders though I haven't tested it thoroughly.
Post edited December 26, 2016 by ResidentLeever
Here is another tip for S2 that you might find useful.

At the very beginning, build 2 or 3 castles near you HQ (use them to expand). Castles are much more efficient than other buildings when it comes to using gold to training.
Before you meet the enemy, as soon as you have gold, use the sliders to fill castles with soldiers and start collecting gold in them. As soon as you have 9 generals trained, use sliders to empty those castles (leaving 1 only), then after generals leave it, use sliders again to fill them with soldiers to be trained. Repeat till you have trained as much soldiers into generals as possible.

This way when you finally meet the enemy, you already have lots of generals produced.