own3mall: Legend jackfuste from WSGF (wsgf.org/) has provided a fix that works for systems running more than 4 cores!
I can now play The Saboteur on my AMD Ryzen 1700x 8 Core CPU!
Here's the fix:
Saboteur_CPU_FIX.zip (mega.nz/#!pBtWWb7a!Zu0GKwOaw92vZdIKNVed-rzL9Dv1vQnwVLkDq8mFuFw
) - small patcher for Saboteur.exe
Saboteur_Fix.7z (mega.nz/#!gA1mBZLR!qr7lUxuaNJr_-Ietgw9ARxZ_4j7_TRUp6UFdaNcf95M) - already patched Saboteur.exe
Thank goodness jackfuste is with us today! He's an absolute legend!