otis0310: While I agree with Mr. Tornquist's reasoning that I do not want a buggy game, I certainly do not like the trend that this game is having with announcining release dates that are never met.
Then again, the announcement comes with the prospect of an actually simultaneous relase for GOG/Humble and Steam.
Actually, I'd rather have it this way than another. GOG really put their heart into Chapters, promoting the game with no less than two Let's Player streams (TLJ/Dreamfall). RTG can't just favor Steam and worry about the GOG release a day later, that's not how episodic gaming works.
The decision to postpone at the 11th hour can raise an eyebrow, certainly, but it would be less professional had they worked until midnight yesterday to get the Steam version running somehow (and then possibly miss a reasonable time on the next day to hand in a GOG build).
Really, the full 48 hours was the better decision.
We'll see how they fare tomorrow.