By the way, I'm sorry in advance about my inability to figure out this quote system.
Well, magic is basically the application of will to create effects. The scientific method has its uses but is not universal - you don't apply it to poetry for example and neither to meditation.
I wasn't aware I was talking about poetry or meditation -- both of which one would have a difficult time selling as "magic".
As for magical creatures, I think the most basic thing about them would be a local disregard for laws of nature that we otherwise consider all-encompassing. Although - sure - you could try to study how they work by themselves. The results may or may not form a coherent theory...
You have a basic misunderstanding of what "science" is, apparently. No scientist thinks any law of nature is all-encompassing. In fact, science can be seen as the "freedom to doubt", born as it was as a rebellion against the hard-and-fast truths of religion. At best, there are degrees of certainty. The degree of certainty against "magical creatures" is quite high. But that's not really what I'm driving at, here. More to come...
If it were a one-time thing, science would gladly declare you all insane and proceed to administer treatment. Sure - you can tell them all you want that what you saw was real, but it would probably be labelled as mass hallucination, probably related to drug use or mass hypnosis.
Who you gonna call ? Ghostbusters ?
Science handles things that are constant or repeat themselves in more or less predictable patterns.
Yes, the scientific
community would want that. But as an individual -- as the
scientist -- one would be remiss to discount evidence simply because it didn't fit into your worldview at the time.
And you can prove that this interpretation is the absolutely right one how...?
The same way you can "prove" your interpretation is the "right" one.
The sad thing is - I didn't want to :|.
Look... If you stick by this interpretation, you're simply not going to enjoy the game at all. Now - what would be the point in that ?
Read the title line of this thread again.
If I were to watch, say, "Back to the Future" only thinking "Time travel is IMPOSSIBLE, this movie makes no sense !" I would miss out on everything that is enjoyable about it. In short - don't treat it as a documentary. Give it another shot.
I have dozens of games that include magic, time travel, etc. -- all things that are currently "science fiction", and I enjoy them greatly. The issue is not the inclusion of such elements, but
how they are presented.
No, no, no - I didn't mean that you ran the game consciously thinking "I'm going to look for this and that". It's a hermetical thing - when we learn something new, we know something already and as such - apply that previous knowledge, sets of opinions etc. to what we discover. If a certain issue is important to you, you are going to notice it where others don't and see it as THE thing to look at if others do.
An analogy can be drawn here to puerile humor. Say a joke makes someone else laugh, but not you. Why? Because you've heard it before (when you were 8 years old), and it was only barely funny then. Then the laughing party looks at you as though you have no sense of humor.
Yeah, I see where you're going with this - just because they are from Stark, ergo - Stark is evil, Arkadia is good and a goddamn utopia...
No. It's not that simple. There are a lot of problems in Arkadia, the people from there HATE their world and DREAM of the utopia where there would be progress and technology would serve their whims.
I'm sure there are problems in Arcadia. But the designers of the game are clearly biased, and have only a cursory knowledge of what "science" is.
Still - I REALLY suggest you try to play this from start to finish, even if you have spoiled the whole plot for yourself.
I may do that sometime. Truly.
And how is that bad ? Why the hell should she be a scientist ? It would make her MORE GROUNDED IN HER WORLD.
I'm not saying she should be. But she could have been anything...a teacher, a janitor, waitress (by profession), shoe salesman, clothing designer, carpenter, factory worker, nurse, librarian...any number of professions that might still be used to give her the air of "struggling college student" without pandering to one world or the other. When I said, "A scientist?", I was playing on the absurdity of the suggestion. She can't be a scientist, because scientists aren't good people in this story. If I'm wrong about this, please let me know. Is there a likeable character later in the story that can be seen, without stretching credibility, as a scientist? Further, she
is an artist...and being so has no detectable bearing on the story. Had she been a carpenter, her meeting with Cortez in the art gallery would have gone exactly the same. Probably would have been even more believable and impactful. It's not like non-artists don't like art. :) Hell, even
scientists like art sometimes.
Also - I find being an artist something to look up to.
I find being a good one is something to look up to.
Yeah, I guess you meant people who've happened to take a course called "An Introduction to Philosophy" or something like that... I'm not an expert when it comes to the American education system.
What I'm saying is that I've heard better treatments of philosophy (which is what this game is trying to be) from students of the earliest levels.
Oh, don't you dare make me a drop in the cultural ocean xP !
Even if you live a country where you have achieved "the perfect means without any ends", it doesn't mean you have to follow this mental path.
Think of the Japanese. They probably like their tech gizmos but as the Man's triumph over nature, not nature's over mankind.
I try not to think of the Japanese. They are the confluence of misogyny and superficial capitalism. I use "superficial" as a modifier, not as an emotional appeal. And you are. A drop in the cultural ocean, I mean. Squawl as either of us might, we're both products of our environments.
And - I haven't said this enough - give the game another effing try. This time - trying to AVOID judging each world as better or worse than the other, merely seeing them as DIFFERENT.
Why should I bother judging which is better or worse, when the game does it for me? :) But like I said, I may play it through anyway. Stranger things have happened than a pleasant surprise.
Have you played Planescape: Torment?