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Damn, I was looking into buying this game.
pkk234: Damn, I was looking into buying this game.
Patience, Episode 4 have been released today, the last one could come in a year or so, and then, when the game is complete, they might try to release it here again.

As for the updates, I can confirm that GOG version is up to date (I bought it when it first released here), so developers do keep their promise to update it even when not actively selling it here.

I think it´s just a question of time before it reappears here once its complete.

Eh, can somebody sum it up to me as to why they pull it out of here?
Post edited October 07, 2021 by Tarhiel
Tarhiel: Eh, can somebody sum it up to me as to why they pull it out of here?
The official reason is that is was "just a business decision":

The unofficial speculation is that whoever made that decision at Hinterland Games was basically offended:

1. GOG is known for having some of their public facing employees make jokes that are not politically correct in the West,. See here for examples:

2. Meanwhile, Hinterland has made an official subpage in support of "LGBTQIA+" some months before the game's removal ( and has since reportedly changed the race of a character for strictly "diversity" reasons (character is white in episode trailer, not white when encountered in Ep 4).

This leads to speculation that whoever made the decision at Hinterland basically decided to "punish" GOG on "principle", since the removal would roughly coincide with the so called "transphobic" joke. If so, I would not expect the game to be sold again, since reneging on that stance would be seen as a form of "surrender" of principles.

As an extra layer on top, Hinterland's boss has since made another unusual business decision with similarly non-communicative official reasoning:

Notably, I can also confirm that the game is being maintained for people who already own it. So it has nothing whatsoever to do with the game being incomplete - so far as I can tell, the only reason folks can't buy it is that a purchase page no longer exists - the files are still being maintained anyway, so it wouldn't be more work for Hinterland.
Post edited October 08, 2021 by -Iota-
Tarhiel: Eh, can somebody sum it up to me as to why they pull it out of here?
-Iota-: The official reason is that is was "just a business decision":

The unofficial speculation is that whoever made that decision at Hinterland Games was basically offended:

1. GOG is known for having some of their public facing employees make jokes that are not politically correct in the West,. See here for examples:

2. Meanwhile, Hinterland has made an official subpage in support of "LGBTQIA+" some months before the game's removal ( and has since reportedly changed the race of a character for strictly "diversity" reasons (character is white in episode trailer, not white when encountered in Ep 4).

This leads to speculation that whoever made the decision at Hinterland basically decided to "punish" GOG on "principle", since the removal would roughly coincide with the so called "transphobic" joke. If so, I would not expect the game to be sold again, since reneging on that stance would be seen as a form of "surrender" of principles.

As an extra layer on top, Hinterland's boss has since made another unusual business decision with similarly non-communicative official reasoning:

Notably, I can also confirm that the game is being maintained for people who already own it. So it has nothing whatsoever to do with the game being incomplete - so far as I can tell, the only reason folks can't buy it is that a purchase page no longer exists - the files are still being maintained anyway, so it wouldn't be more work for Hinterland.
Thank you for clarifying this... eh, business decision.

Hope Hinterland will reconsider, other people would obviously love to buy it here.
Post edited October 10, 2021 by Tarhiel
Tarhiel: Patience, Episode 4 have been released today, the last one could come in a year or so, and then, when the game is complete, they might try to release it here again.

I hope so, I've heard it's similar to Subnautica but much more grim or something.
I have yet to play Subnautica, but it looks really fun, I'm assuming I would enjoy this as well.
-Iota-: The official reason is that is was "just a business decision":

The unofficial speculation is that whoever made that decision at Hinterland Games was basically offended:

1. GOG is known for having some of their public facing employees make jokes that are not politically correct in the West,. See here for examples:

2. Meanwhile, Hinterland has made an official subpage in support of "LGBTQIA+" some months before the game's removal ( and has since reportedly changed the race of a character for strictly "diversity" reasons (character is white in episode trailer, not white when encountered in Ep 4).

This leads to speculation that whoever made the decision at Hinterland basically decided to "punish" GOG on "principle", since the removal would roughly coincide with the so called "transphobic" joke. If so, I would not expect the game to be sold again, since reneging on that stance would be seen as a form of "surrender" of principles.

As an extra layer on top, Hinterland's boss has since made another unusual business decision with similarly non-communicative official reasoning:

Notably, I can also confirm that the game is being maintained for people who already own it. So it has nothing whatsoever to do with the game being incomplete - so far as I can tell, the only reason folks can't buy it is that a purchase page no longer exists - the files are still being maintained anyway, so it wouldn't be more work for Hinterland.
Tarhiel: Thank you for clarifying this... eh, business decision.

Hope Hinterland will reconsider, other people would obviously love to buy it here.
Seconded. Thank you Iota for this summary!

The ironic thing of course is that all these cliquish, 'holier than thou "punishments" are very much contrary to the intention of Political Correctness: Don't be mean. The words we use can hurt others and our ignorance does not make the harm less.

However going on a witch hunt and demanding virtue signaling is turning PC itself into its own mockery: you are the ones being mean and willfully ignorant by assuming the worst of people (unless they subscribe to the "one true gospel of proper PC").

It's easy to feel righteous when you're standing up for others. However unless we engage in an honest and open debate, there will never be meaningful change.
Post edited October 17, 2021 by Flaser
Flaser: The ironic thing of course is...
First: to be fair to Hinterland, I don’t actually know whether their obviously pro-PC stance was related to pulling the game off the store. I suspect as much, but there could have been some other reasons, e.g. contract details that Hinterland didn’t like anymore (which neither side would publicly talk about due to NDAs).

In a more general sense, from my POV far away from North America, the political correctness debacle over GOGs tweets is a multi-layered irony cake of massive proportions:

1. The tweets may be considered in poor taste for a company, but aren’t actually hateful. This means that people who want to see that behaviour punished have to resort to a weaker argument: either that it’s edgy humour, which is not allowed on that particular topic, or that it’s “dog whistling” (apparently innocent speech that signals underlying hate).

2. When informed that Poland has a long tradition of highly irreverent humour (originating partly in being occupied by cruel foreign powers for nearly 200 years with some breaks in between) , such people insist that “if they sell in the US/Canada, they need to adopt our standards”. Since GOG doesn’t have regional storefronts, this actually means that all of GOG’s customers everywhere are also impacted by these supposed US/Canadian political correctness standards. Apparently people half across the world need to care e.g. that someone “hijacked” a Twitter thread in US politics (which hijacking had no real political impact, so far as I can tell).
There’s a fancy academic word for that: neocolonialism. Officially, social justice folks shouldn't like neocolonialism but in this instance they sure do.

3. This extreme reaction comes usually from “allies”, not the actual minority themselves. This is relevant, because if a group is perceived as unable to take a mild joke at its own expense, it’s going to be infantilized by some allies and/or disliked for that fact alone by some of the uninvolved public. When words aren’t obviously hateful, there’s a social cost to seeing them as such and the allies assume the right to put that cost on “their minority’s” social credit card. As someone who actually belongs to a different group that would be a protected minority in the West, I’d rather not have allies of that sort, so I suspect not everyone in the relevant Western minority actually approves of this. But their opinions would count less than those of their loud "allies".

4. All such actions look like tempests in teapots when you consider, for example, that both the US and Canada import billions of dollars worth of oil a year from Saudi Arabia, i.e. an authoritarian regime that really doesn’t like gay and lesbian people, has tortured and murdered political opposition members (including journalists), etc. But since an initiative to cut down oil consumption for actual social justice wouldn’t be as pleasant, people spend their time hyperventilating about someone hijacking a Twitter hashtag or making an "edgy" advert for a very "edgy" game instead.
Post edited October 17, 2021 by -Iota-
Does anyone have insight as to how to purchase the recent expansion [Tales from the Far Territory] and have it run on a gog purchased base game?
biscuitbob: Does anyone have insight as to how to purchase the recent expansion [Tales from the Far Territory] and have it run on a gog purchased base game?
I actually asked about that in a Private Message to the Admin over at the official TLD forums (I asked about that a few times in the forums but got on response; hence the Private Message) and he stated that they are working out ways for us to buy and use the upcoming DLC but details are still being worked out and that info will come closer to the release of the first DLC.

Here's the actual reply from the dev:

" Thank you for reaching out. We are factoring GoG into our plans, and hope to share more information as we approach the launch. We appreciate your patience!

- The Hinterland Team

I'll post back over here when that info becomes available.
Post edited November 05, 2022 by HawkDawg
Werden wir heute die Erweiterung von The Long Dark bei gog kaufen können? Bei Steam soll sie wohl um 18 Uhr freigeschaltet werden. Wie sieht es hier aus?
Ich warte immer noch auf Informationen darüber.
Hey all, I don't know if anyone will see this, but the first question I asked was whether the paid DLC was coming to GOG. I figured I'd go to Hinterlands before digging around on forums and here was their reply. Hopefully it's helpful.
Danke für die Informationen, nur irgendwie fühl ich mich jetzt wie ein Spieler zweiter Klasse!

Hinterland Studio wußte das es uns Gog-Spieler gibt und wir auch auf diese Erweiterung gewartet haben!
Wir haben genauso für das Grundspiel bezahlt wie die anderen, was können wir dafür das sie ihre Vertriebspolitik geändert haben?! Es ist schon ärgerlich das wir immer als letztes die Spielaktualisierungen erhalten und jetzt keine kaufbare Erweiterung... :(

Ich bin wirklich sauer!
Keksi1: Danke für die Informationen, nur irgendwie fühl ich mich jetzt wie ein Spieler zweiter Klasse!

Hinterland Studio wußte das es uns Gog-Spieler gibt und wir auch auf diese Erweiterung gewartet haben!
Wir haben genauso für das Grundspiel bezahlt wie die anderen, was können wir dafür das sie ihre Vertriebspolitik geändert haben?! Es ist schon ärgerlich das wir immer als letztes die Spielaktualisierungen erhalten und jetzt keine kaufbare Erweiterung... :(

Ich bin wirklich sauer!
Ich weiß nicht, ob Sie den Screenshot gesehen haben, den der Poster über Ihnen (h4dl3ys_h0p3) angehängt hat, aber es war eine Aufnahme einer Antwort, die er von Hinterland zu diesem Thema erhalten hat. Darin stand:

"Unser derzeitiger Plan ist es, den DLC für GOG-Plattformen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu veröffentlichen. Einen genaueren Zeitplan kann ich Ihnen zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht nennen, aber es genügt zu sagen: GOG ist auf unserem Radar."

Ich denke, wir werden sehen.

Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

h4dl3ys_h0p3: Hey all, I don't know if anyone will see this, but the first question I asked was whether the paid DLC was coming to GOG. I figured I'd go to Hinterlands before digging around on forums and here was their reply. Hopefully it's helpful.
Thanks for that screenshot. It gives a glimmer of hope.
Post edited December 07, 2022 by HawkDawg
After reading numerous posts in other forums, and watching a couple of videos of the new region, I must say - in my personal opinion - we're not missing much by not having the newest version available here.

As usual, Hinterland has managed to bork the game pretty good this time. It seems the 'new' loot tables are not an improvement, and they also did away with all bunker cache spawns. They claim it's temporary.

I could buy the new DLC at Steam if i wanted to, and it's currently on sale for $17.99, but I believe I'll pass, at least for now. I'm just going to wait and see if they fix stuff.