Whelp: And another update. To be fair, Hinterland are patching this game like every two days now, Gog's team probably has difficulty keeping up.
There has to be another solution to this though. Why doesn't the developer have the opportunity to push patches to Galaxy directly, like they do on Steam?
In any case, word from Gog on this issue would be appreciated at least.
Well this is kinde of the whole point with GoG.
Its a curated platform. There are some limitations with curated platforms.
But we got steam, that got toons of broken games, we also got toons of shit games on steam.
And we got gog. It doesnt have alot of games, but most of them arent broken and arent unplayble.
I do agree, devs should atleast be able to patch there games faster. Like if there game already have been
accepted on GoG, they should be allowed to patch it easyer without any real test from the GoG staff.
And examples like this, I start to doubt the Gog staff, do they really test there games?
Amd what Im trying to say, curated platforms like gog have its good and bad parts, and non curated platforms like steam have its good and bad part. For me gog is better cause the DRM-Free licens.
And we also got the problem, Galaxy only supports windows for all I know.
I know the majorty of gamers are using windows. But then you leave us Linux users even more behinde.
We already are missing titles thanks to the lack of gog galaxy. And no words for 2 years now on a linux port.
We just got a, sometime in the future :P. And sometime in the future could also change to a no we are not gonna do it.
Iv heard it before from CDPR and other devs.