Novotnus: The one that I like and nobody else seems to enjoy is Gigan.
I like Gigan's design. It is very unique. As for the movie, it's more of a guilty pleasure for me. Some parts of it are pretty good (the premise of the story, the battles, the Godzilla Tower), while other parts are just stupid (like the wig, they are trying so hard to pass off as real hair, or that Godzilla and Angilas could hear the sound of a tape recorder hundreds of kilometers away). However, I haven't seen the movie in years, so I might be misremembering some things.
The only copy currently available here is based on the TV edition, which is missing part of the left and right side of the picture. It's also German-only. I'd really prefer the original. The German dubbing is usually okay quality-wise, but they occasionally changed the meaning of sentences or added completely new ones. For example, in 'Destroy all monsters' they say, that Frankenstein is behind the invasion of the Kilaaks. Not to mention calling all Kaiju Frankenstein-monster, or the renaming of Jet Jaguar and the first Mecha-Godzilla to King Kong.
Novotnus: Strange - I got only one bug in the first episode (map screen froze). And one graphic glitch with Erica's breast (it was pretty hillarious, seeing her boobs move on their own while she was talking :)
I should have called it animation bugs, not graphics bugs, because that's what it actually is.
For example, when I try to sit down on Erica's desk, she would sometimes sit behind her chair, instead of on it. When leaving the interrogation room, Erica would open the door, move slightly forward (but still stay within the room), close the door, and then move right into the wall.
When talking to others, Erica would sometimes look into a completely different direction. For example, I was talking to Gwen in order to get some evidence, but Erica had her back to Gwen during this, the whole time. How rude. ;) Lastly, there's the air walking. I had happened a few times in the HQ, and once in the morgue and the apartment of the victim. When this happened in the morgue, Erica actually kept standing in the air. I was very afraid, that the game might be hanging, because I hadn't saved in quite a while. Luckily, it kept going shortly after.
In Episode 2, I haven't seen any of this. This time, however, the game needed to load for several seconds (5-10), before the animations would start. That happened every time when I tried to manipulate an object in the world (but not in the inventory) or attempted to start a conversation.
Novotnus: Those things you have to do... I guess it's just Phoenix trying to emulate a real investigation :) Art of Murder had this kind of 'investigating for the sake of investigating'.
In that case, I would have expected... more. Writing reports. Calling forensics, so that they could take a look at the new found evidence. Actually telling somebody, that you have found new evidence. Often enough, that evidence just disappears into your pockets. Well, at least it got better in Episode 2. We finally started to investigate what the *spoiler* on the victim in Episode 1 means.
I'm also getting quite suspicious of someone we met while stealing flowers. There are just too many coincidences regarding this person. I could be wrong though.
In any case, I think we should move to the Cognition subforum, if we want to continue this part of the discussion. This thread has stopped being about The Cat Lady several posts ago.