takezodunmer2005: Hear, hear! Yeah, this is most likely consolitis striking again as this game's now identical to the PS4 version... I hate consoles as they are infecting their taint upon PC games!
They said they will be fixing the graphics save for the part envisioned by their artistic vision which means they're going to keep part the console shit graphics.
But we shall see, I hope they prove me wrong...
waltc: Agreed, And they seem to be off to a good
I really do like the game, it's just that the graphics downgrade is so severe and obvious that the rationale for doing that to the game seems inscrutable. It's almost as if it's a kind of petty vengeance taken against PC owners who didn't buy the game as inXile expected when it first shipped, an "OK, so you didn't like the game? Well, we'll redo it for consoles, then, and hopefully they will like it better! Take that!"....;) "Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" is another old saying that comes to mind. I really don't think it was any of *that*, but...I want to be optimistic and hope they'll listen to their customers a bit more attentively now. Having to perpetually go back into a game and patch it because strong, emphasized suggestions were
ignored during development is surely a dead-end street. Proper course, imo, would have been to do the Windows version; then to do a "lite" graphics version for consoles and Macs, if need be. Would have been constructive to do a Vulkan API version--which at least theoretically would have aided them cross-platform to a degree. Taking your best effort and then dumbing it down to console level in a one-size-fits-all, less-is-more approach is hamfisted, imo. I will enjoy it if they prove both of us wrong, for sure....;) But one size does not fit all, and never has, really.