OldOldGamer: The game is stable; no crashes.
It appears to me there are a lot of game system issues that should have been fixed before selling to the wider audiences.
This force me to experience the game as *not* originally intended.
Non-the-less the fact not all games are completed, no manual and the "legacy" mode is not implemented, yet the menu is there.
To me, this looks like a game still in development.
While I have a lot of criticisms of the game design (I think it's not very close to the original mechanics despite kind of selling itself as being the original game), I kind of dont' follow this criticism.
I think that the news page and game page are fairly accurate about what is in this game package.
At the same time, I agree with RyaReisender that this is a game in progress. There's no real guarantee that the promised modes and content will be as expected because they aren't completed yet. Anything could happen in the next year or so, and the promise of "plays like the original" may not be met.
That said, GOG has a pretty reasonable return policy. I think if you said, essentially, that you did not read the fine print and were expecting the full trilogy, that the refund will go through. If that's your main objection (that and "missing" legacy mode), then you can reconsider purchasing around the end of the year if the updates happen on suggested schedule, or whenever they appear if they take longer.
RyaReisender: As someone who never played the original, most of the "issues" I saw on here are non-issues for me because they are just "works slightly different than in the original version but the game is still perfectly playable".
This is both true and not true. IMO, the game is totally playable. However various elements of the game are simply not implemented or implemented incorrectly. Some of these are debatable.. how close to the original should it be? Some are just strangely missing or busted.
Given the updates so far, I'm hopeful that at least the worst will be addressed.