wizace: Yeah, thank you. I knew that and actually found the disc images in one directory, though I didn‘t find the ROM. I just would‘ve found it so much more elegant not to have moe than one GB installed to play Games which come in a few MB including the whole system ROM.
I think I found the rom by running md5sum on the files to locate it. I thought I wrote this information in this discussion thread
https://www.gog.com/forum/the_bards_tale_series/bt1_classic_keeps_freezing but it looks like I didn't. I probably put it on the internet somewhere. Sorry.
Sorry for wasting your time. The internet depends on people like you, who care about giving good informatin to others.
I think the info I'm offering here is half-assed, but I'm glad you appreciate.
I just hope inxile fixes the issues, because I found the original very hard to play without automap and it‘s strange perspective, you know, you seem to stand two steps away from a door and next step you stand in the house... I‘d love to make up with the game with updated interface and graphics.
Yeah, the way the town is rendered in the Amiga/IIgs graphics is somewhat weird, the way you describe it. The in-dungeon view is somewhat more 'natural'. The inconsistency between these two has its own problems.
PS: I either don't understand why a game like BTR needs to be compiled in 64bit and with DirectX 11. Microsoft seems to design those things to generate compatibility issues and force people into their new products, since it takes time to figure out, which obstacles need to be worked around. A game like BTR doesn't need any of the overblowen features, which Microsoft claims to be inevitable for a modern game. So, to make it short, why step into the trap?
I guess my view on 64bit is that PCs have been 64bit since around 2004. It's only that Microsoft was so slow to adopt the technology that it's not everywhere now. I don't know if this codebase needs it, but maybe it made some things easier to get done? You certainly *could* build this game to work in 2GB of ram so it doesn't seem reqruied.
DirectX 11 I'm assuming was easier to get working with Unity.
Does this cause problems with earlier video hardware? The performance is less with earlier hardware but this game doesn't really need performance.