bossarda: Attached is my console errorlog-if that helps:FO] 0 849 ( ) Writing logfile to C:\Users\bossa\AppData\Roaming\TheBannerSaga\Local Store\gamelog\A-0.log.txt
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [84-7B-EB-42-B1-16] [{ADDCE108-3675-4E5B-B263-582CE07B0658}/Ethernet/84-7B-EB-42-B1-16/1500/{ADDCE108-3675-4E5B-B263-582CE07B0658} /0/false] addr []
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) ------------- CHOSE 84-7B-EB-42-B1-16
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-2A] [{AF7ECA8E-50B4-4CC0-9D47-A3D952EC0FF2}/Local Area Connection* 1/E4-B3-18-1A-58-2A/1500/{AF7ECA8E-50B4-4CC0-9D47-A3D952EC0FF2}/0/false] addr []
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E6-B3-18-1A-58-29] [{564BAA18-ABE5-4D16-A918-A59CD54C0059}/Local Area Connection* 2/E6-B3-18-1A-58-29/1500/{564BAA18-ABE5-4D16-A918-A59CD54C0059}/0/false] addr []
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-29] [{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/Wi-Fi/E4-B3-18-1A-58-29/1500/{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/0/ true] addr [2601:145:c201:d1c0::4c50//IPv6/128]
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-29] [{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/Wi-Fi/E4-B3-18-1A-58-29/1500/{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/0/ true] addr [2601:145:c201:d1c0:253e:b44:8a15:8b92//IPv6/128]
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-29] [{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/Wi-Fi/E4-B3-18-1A-58-29/1500/{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/0/ true] addr [2601:145:c201:d1c0:c45d:d279:f8a8:7f05//IPv6/128]
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-29] [{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/Wi-Fi/E4-B3-18-1A-58-29/1500/{1CD2638E-7C4E-4C60-8E83-021FF41BFBFF}/0/ true] addr []
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) candidate NIC [E4-B3-18-1A-58-2D] [{6571F3E6-41A4-4221-9520-4BA82686BC69}/Bluetooth Network Connection/E4-B3-18-1A-58-2D/1500/{6571F3E6-41A4-4221-9520-4BA82686BC69}/0/false] addr []
[INFO] 0 869 ( ) AirGpSource GameInput.isSupported=true
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) Game Start: Mon Jan 13 11:29:38 GMT-0800 2020
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) Build:
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) Version: 2.60.02
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) Id: saga1-v1.2.3 79
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) Capabilities:
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) isDebugger: false
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) language: en
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) manufacturer: Adobe Windows
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) os: Windows XP
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) pixelAspectRatio: 1, dpi: 96
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) playerType: Desktop
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) resolution: 1280 x 720
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) touchscreenType: none
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) supportsCursor: true
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) version: WIN 29,0,0,113
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) appDir: app:/
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) appStorageDir: app-storage:/
[INFO] 0 884 ( ) AppInfo.init Embedded Fonts (13):
[INFO] 0 894 ( ) MEMORY SIZE: 122 MB
[INFO] 0 914 ( ) GA
[INFO] 0 932 ( ) documentsDirectory: C:\Users\bossa\OneDrive\Documents
[INFO] 0 932 ( ) AirAppInfo.loadIni checking for APPLICATION iniFile: C:\GOG Games\The Banner Saga\win32\tbs_config.ini
[INFO] 0 932 ( ) AirAppInfo.loadIni loading APPLICATION iniFile: C:\GOG Games\The Banner Saga\win32\tbs_config.ini
[INFO] 0 932 ( ) AirAppInfo.loadIni checking for APPLICATION_STORAGE iniFile: C:\Users\bossa\AppData\Roaming\TheBannerSaga\Local Store\tbs_config.ini
[INFO] 0 932 ( ) AirAppInfo.loadIni checking for USER iniFile: C:\Users\bossa\tbs_config_saga1.ini
[INFO] 0 942 ( ) GameMainDesktop build_platform=[gog]
[INFO] 0 942 (INIT) build_platform=[gog]
[INFO] 0 942 (GOG ) initializing...
[INFO] 0 1391 ( ) INVOKE reason=[standard] arguments=[]
[INFO] 0 1391 ( ) INVOKE approot=[file:///C:/GOG%20Games/The%20Banner%20Saga/win32]
[INFO] 0 1391 ( ) INVOKE CWD=[C:\GOG Games\The Banner Saga\win32]
[INFO] 0 1394 ( ) doSetup with assetsUrl=[null] nativeRoot=[file:///C:/GOG%20Games/The%20Banner%20Saga/win32]
[INFO] 0 1395 ( ) SaveManager.MigrateSavesToProfile saga1
[INFO] 0 1399 ( ) doSetup computed assetsUrl=file:///C:/GOG%20Games/The%20Banner%20Saga/assets/
[INFO] 0 1399 ( ) ARGS (0) []
[INFO] 0 1400 ( ) parseArguments
[INFO] 0 1401 ( ) PlatformStarling STARLING INIT
[INFO] 0 1437 ( ) PlatformStarling resize viewport to 1024x768
[INFO] 0 1442 (GOG ) Setting up gog
[INFO] 0 1443 (GOG ) Creating the extension context
[INFO] 0 1446 (GOG ) Initializing GOG
[ERROR] 0 1448 ( ) ArgumentError: Error #3500
at flash.external::ExtensionContext/call()
at air.gog.ane::GogAne/GalaxyAPI_Init()
at com.stoicstudio.platform.gog::GogEntryHelper/setup()
at game.entry::GameEntryDesktopAir/handleDoSetup()
at game.entry::GameEntry/doSetup()
at game.entry::GameEntryDesktopAir/invokeHandler()
at game.entry::GameApplicationDesktopAir/invokeHandler()
at flash.desktop::NativeApplication/dispatchEvent()
at runtime::AppRunner/onComplete()
[INFO] 0 1517 ( ) Starling context created. Stage=1024x768, viewport=1024x768
[INFO] 17999 301932 ( ) GameMainAir.exitingHandler autoExit=true, event=[Event type="exiting" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
[INFO] 17999 302446 ( ) exitTimerCompleteHandler
Install Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 x86. It helped me with the same problem! Remember - x86 version is very important, I tried with x64 with no result, at last x86 version did the trick! Hope it will help you :)