tarohilt: The 7th Guest 3 is still alive and has been approved on Steam Greenlight.
http://steamcommunity.com/games/765/announcements/detail/1351376385376426481 Yes, it seems that way; from the looks of things, however, that's not going to mean much given that they still have
only managed to acquire $19.2K out of the projected $65K. They started this new campaign back in December, and it still hasn't made anywhere near the amount of scratch that they got in the Kickstarter (roughly $100K our of $400K); one would think that that amount would be a shoe-in from the get go, but relocating to a new site and initial failure might have had something to do with it.
Then again, in between that godawful video on the Steam Greenlight page, I'm amazed that this ever got Greenlit, to say nothing about how afterr Rob calling out a critical poster in the Kickstarter for only contributing $1 they are getting any support at all from people who contributed to the original Kickstarter.
EDIT: seems that the crowdfunder is *only* for a mini-game that was going to be a part of the original $400K project, while the original amount is still needed for full completion. Not that they advertise that little factoid very prominently, except for the goals page. This is utterly disgusting.