Ho-Hum: The game installed with no problem. Unfortunately when I try to launch the game the game menu is out of reach. The only menu icon's visible are approximately half of the load and intro icon's at the very top right portion of the screen. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
plumgas: sound like a video problem, some people have having problems with dual cards, if this is what you are using disable one of the cards. Also diable one core if you are using dual core.
previous posts tell you have to do this.
I appreciate the reply plumgas. If I am required to go through a bunch of BS in order to get the game to even launch I question my intelligence for even getting the damn thing. I have the original game sitting on my desk both in DVD and CD format. If I wanted to play it that bad I would just get the original DVD to work on my rig which is possible.
This will be my last appearance on this sorry assed site. (not the forum but the site)