neumi5694: One day they suddenly stood before closed doors, the company has gone bankrupt.
Those always suck. I remember working in a company a couple of decades ago and one morning coming to the office they were taking down a big red Q from the side of our building. Seemed strange. Going in, there was a hulabaloo and apparently some blue company had bought our red company. I found out about it literally after the merger when I was at the office.
Wasn't a bankruptcy, but a merger. Anyone with a fixed term contract did not get a new one. All of us with permanent contracts got salary increase freeze, bonus freeze, no overtime pay, if you got a promotion -- same salary as before. They needed to get rid of half the employees so they even took the coffee machine away and replaced it with instant coffee and changed the toilet paper to 1 ply. They did everything to make us leave, even those petty little things to make our day to day lives just that little bit more miserable.
Overnight we changed from being valuable assets to the company to dirt that needs to be cleansed.