Both Bioshock and Infinite appear to be anti-individualist and pro-socialist. I don't think you can be any more overt than making both games a distopic vision of a free society, and also making George Washington an enemy boss.
The only game worse than these that I can think of off the top of my head is Rainbow 6: Patriots, where the plot of the game is literally about killing Tea Party patriots fighting against an oppressive and corrupt communist regime that has destroyed the economy and instituted Martial Law. The Game Informer article covers the basic plot pretty well, but doesn't mention how inappropriate it is, or how dangerous and illegal it would be if the government actually acted in such a manner. We already have the NDAA, Drones, ObamaCare, and the kill list, and with the administration pushing gun control, R6: Patriots is closer to reality than any of us want to believe, and the government will be the ones instigating it.
This stuff is beyond entertainment, it's brainwashing, and people shouldn't support this nonsense if they feel the same.
Post edited February 14, 2013 by Entropy