voodoo47: you don't need to open it. just drop it into the SS2 folder and play the game.
Claybrook1993: Every time I go to drop it into the folder it tries to open the game. It then just quits and gives me the same old message
Do I need to open the package contents and drop it into a specific folder. Sorry. I'm not good with computers
Just so you know. .app 's are not actually executables. They are folder directories in a very specific, structure, containing all the executable, resources, registry, and libraries of the program (the idea being to ease installation in a portable bundle). So the real system shock resource directory you need to put the file is inside the app bundle.
In this case its a Wineskin app. so the executable is Wineskin, and the resource folder is the windows executable and it's resources, buried in - System Shock 2.app/Contents/Resources/drive_c/GoG Games/System Shock 2" (there is a simlink to drive_c in the root of the app bundle as well)