Fenixp: ...you could even turn off the vita chambers.
Not initially. On consoles, the option was initially available only as DRM (which, iirc, one had to pay for), and on PC, it was not available at all; if it is now, it's a result of a patch doubtless a result of fan backlash (which, incidentally, is the same reason that Bioshock has SecuROM protection that no longer contains an activation limit).
ZylonBane: Mockery as a teaching tool is sadly underrated.
Speaking as a law student who has had an old school professor who equated mockery of his students and failing to answer their questions to teaching, I must concur. Mockery as a teaching tool is underrated, and rightly so. It does not correct a person's ignorance, and it does not make the person attempt to learn on their own; all it does is make them waste their time and their brain's background operations (including the parts that work on solving problems when we are not focusing on them) with wastefully indulging in feelings of seething hatred at worst and frustrated inactivity at best, and if you're really lucky, they will actively refuse to change out of sheer spite.