Dave3d: Remove the ; from in front of the line, and save.
Change from this:
;d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay 640 480
To this:
d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay 640 480
And the hud will scale.
Yup, the ; has been removed. It turns whatever is behind it into a comment and is ignored, similar to # does in other scripting languages.
The section of the cam_ext file that I'm editing is as follows:
; enable scaling of in-game 2D overlay (HUD), makes the things like current item/weapon text, or SS2
; HUD/panels, larger at resolutions of 1280x960 or higher with pixel perfect scaling (requires "use_d3d_display")
; NOTE: Enabling scaling may actually improve performance, especially at high resolutions.
;d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay 64
; alternatively a fixed 2D resolution can be defined, which is aspect ratio corrected and scaled up
; to the current resolution, without enforcing pixel perfectness (ie. filtering makes it a bit less crisp)
d3d_disp_scaled_2d_overlay 640 480
I'm not touching any other part of the cfg file other than to remove the ; from the beginning of the line.
I've tried it with various resolutions settings for resolution with zero change.