>How about you people? Anyone playing the original System Shock for the first time now, with the Enhanced edition?
I just finished for the first time; I'm an old hand with SS2, and had noodled around a little with SS1, but it never worked well enough for me to get into. The Enhanced Edition was still a little painful, and it took me several hours to really settle into the controls, but the game ran well enough, right away, for me to stick with it.
It was a good game! For the era, it must have been absolutely freaking mindblowing, and I'm a little bummed that I missed it, way back when. This game didn't hand you things, you had to figure them out. (I think the 'head puzzle' would have been really difficult if I didn't have the hint book available.) It reminds me quite a bit of Ultima Underworld, that same unforgiving design. It was a world that was actively trying to kill you, and it was up to you to figure out how to survive. If it had been a tabletop game, I'd have thought the GM really enjoyed watching me die.
I think I still prefer 2, overall, because it has a better sense of atmosphere and pacing, particularly in the endgame. It does fear better than SS1 does, as well. SS2 is kinda scary, where SS1 mostly isn't. It's tough, but it's not really frightening.
I'm kind of torn between the level designs. SS2 felt more real, in the sense that it felt more like people might actually have used those spaces to live in, but I liked the weird complexity of the SS1 environment. It was very 'gamey', very much a product of the 'use every square inch of the level' design era, and it was ridiculously corridor-heavy -- way way way too much area devoted to moving around, as opposed to actually using. But it was fun to explore. Realism: low, fun level: high. SS2 had a lot more useful area per corridor, but exploring wasn't as much fun.
I also like the sense of taking control back from Shodan. You didn't really get that, in 2. You couldn't really ever make areas safe, but in 1, if you stuck to small areas of each level, you could clean them out and transit them easily. I enjoyed that sense of progress, the ability to more or less earn the right to go heal up safely. I went back to that level 1 healing station a LOT. Heh.
I had a problem at the end, where I couldn't win, but someone pointed me at turning on vsync, and that fixed me up. The end is a bit anticlimactic, too: SS2 did that a lot better. The end of SS2 is freaking *epic*, and SS1 is just sort of... okay, it's over now, you win. yay.
Still, on the whole, it's one of my better $10 purchases, and I'm definitely glad I bought it.