Al3xand3r: I don't get why people who want to be credited use the GNU license for their software without any additions. As far as I've read, it does not require credit to be given for the modification and redistribution of the software it applies to. Such as SS2Tool. Though I could be mistaken, I've not studied it in depth or anything, I didn't see anything about credit in the installer. Kudos to gog for going out of their way to please.
Revenile: It's not that they HAVE to, heck in legal speak nothing wrong has been done. This is more of a thing of morals. Morally credit should be given, which we see GoG is attempting to set things straight now, though it could take time. This topic has been a kinda 'eh' thing to me. I'm not going to let this bother me, since I've known GOG would try to do the right thing if something came up. Heck I didn't even know of NewDark until this game's release. I'm all for GOG giving credit to those who made the initial fixes used in this release. But at the same time that credit not being there now isn't going to have me telling people not to buy the game.
Wait, this stuff was released under the GPL? If so and a copy of the GPL and a offer for source has been included, then they can fuck right the hell off with their bitching.